DDbDP transcription: p.ryl.2.154 [xml]
AD 66 Arsinoite
[μη]νὸς Ἀπελλα[ίου κβ Φαῶ]φι κβ, ἐν Βακχ[ι]ά̣δι̣ τῆ[ς Ἡρ]ακλείδου μερί[δο]ς τοῦ Ἀρσινοίτου ν[ο]μ̣ο̣ῦ̣. [ὁμ]ολογεῖ
[Χαι]ρήμων Ἀπολ[λωνίου Π]έρσης τῆς ἐπιγονῆ[ς] ὡς (ἐτῶν) λδ οὐληι(*) ῥινὶ μ[έ]σηι Σισόιτι Πετεή̣σ̣[ι]ο̣ς̣ [ὡς] (ἐτῶν) οα
[οὐλ]ηι(*) ὀφρύι ἀριστε[ρᾶι ἔχειν] παρʼ αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ τῆ[ι αὐ]τοῦ θυγατρὶ προούση[ι] κ̣[αὶ] συνούσηι τοῦ Χα[ιρήμονος] γ̣υ̣ν̣α̣ι̣κ̣ὶ̣
5[Θαι]σαρίωι φερνῆς̣ [ἀργυ]ρί[ο]υ ἐπισήμου δραχμὰς [ἑκατὸ]ν καὶ παραφέρνων ἐν[ωτ]ί̣ων χρυσῶν ζε[ῦγος τετά]ρ̣τ̣ω̣ν̣
[τεσσ]ά̣ρων καὶ μη̣[νίσκο]ν̣ [χρυ]σ̣οῦν τετάρτων [τριῶ]ν καὶ δακτύλια χ[ρυσᾶ] δύο τετάρτων [δ]ύ̣[ο καὶ] ψ̣ελ̣[ί]ω̣ν̣
[ἀργ]υ̣ρῶν ζεῦγος ὁ[λκῆς] ἀσήμου δραχμῶν τεσσ[αρ]άκοντα τεσσάρων καὶ κ̣[λ]ά̣λ̣[ι]α(*) δύο ὁλκῆς ἀσ[ή]μ[ου δρα]χμῶν
[δέ]κ̣α̣ ἓξ καὶ ἱμα[τίω]ν̣ σ[τ]ολὰ[ς] δύο , λευκηι(*) μια(*) [ναρ]κ̣[ι]σ̣σινη(*) μια(*) , καὶ πάλλ[ι]α πέντα καὶ χαλκώ̣μ̣[ατ]α καὶ
[ ̣ ̣]λουτρίδιον, ἐ̣[πὶ τ]ὸ αὐτὸ μνῶν τεσσάρων , [κ]α[ὶ] ἄνευ σταθμοῦ ἑδρύσ[κ]α[ι](*) χαλκαῖ δύο καὶ κα̣σσ̣ι[τέρο]υ μναῖ̣
10[πέν]τε , καὶ ἄνευ δι̣[ατ]ι̣μή̣σ̣[ε]ως εἰς καρπίαν κ[α]ὶ ἐν̣ πρ̣[οσφ]ορᾷ ἀπ[ὸ] τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ιγ (ἔτους) [Ν]έρων[ος Κλ]α[υδίου]
[Καί]σαρος Σεβασ[το]ῦ Γερμανικοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος τὸν ὑπάρχοντα αὐτῶι Σισ[όι]τι περὶ Βακχιάδα κ[λῆρ]ον
[κατ]οικικὸν ἀρο[υ]ρῶν δέκα ἡμίσους τετάρτου ἐν δυσὶ σφραγεῖσι(*) ἀ̣φʼ ὧν ἐν τῶι λεγομέν[ωι] Σ̣αδήι [κλ]ήρ[ο]υ
[ἄρο]υραι ἑπτὰ ἥμισ[υ τ]έτ[α]ρτον , ὧν γείτονες το̣ύτ̣[ω]ν̣ νότου πρότε[ρ]ον Ἡρα[κλεί]δου τοῦ Ζωί̣[λο]υ κλῆρ[ος βορρᾶ]
[Ἀπολ]λωνίου τοῦ Στράτωνος κλῆρος λιβὸς διῶρυξ λεγομενηι(*) Ἀρχείου διʼ οὗ ἀποχειεται(*) ὁ κλῆρ[ο]ς ἀπ[η-]
15[λιώ]του Πεθεῦτο[ς] τοῦ Πτόλλιδος κλῆρος, ἀνὰ μέσον ὄντος κοινοῦ ὑδραγωγοῦ διʼ οὑ(*) ποτίζεται [ὁ] κλῆ[ρος,]
[τῆ]ς δὲ δευτέρας σφ[ρ]αγεῖδος(*) τῶν λοιπῶν ἀρουρῶν τριῶν ἐν τῶι λεγομένωι Πιενηούιος, γε[ί]τονε[ς]
[δὲ] καὶ τούτων νό[του] Βακχί̣[ο]νος τοῦ Ἀμμω[νίου] κλῆρος β[ορρ]ᾶ Πα[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]εῦτος τ[οῦ ̣ ̣] ̣ι̣ν̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
[κλ]ῆ̣ρ̣ο̣ς λιβὸς διῶρυξ εἰς ὁν(*) εἰσχεῖτα[ι] ὁ κλῆρ[ος] ἀπηλιωτος(*) Π̣[ι]σ̣ιστρά[το]υ κλήρου(*). συμ̣[β]ιούτω[σαν ο]ὖν
[ἑα]υ̣τ̣ο̣ῖς ἀλλήλο[ις ο]ἱ γ[α]μοῦντες ἥ τε Θαισάριον καὶ ὁ Χα[ι]ρήμων ἀμεμψιμοιρήτως καθότι π̣[ρότ]ε̣ρο̣ν̣
20[συ]νεβίουν, τοῦ Χ[αιρ]ήμονος ἄγοντος τὰ κατʼ ἔ[το]ς γεωργικὰ ἔργα πάντα τῶν τῆς προσφορᾶς κλή[ρ]ου
[ἀρο]υρῶν δέκα ἡμίσ[ο]υς τετάρτου καὶ κατασπείροντας(*) καὶ ἀποφέροντας(*) τὰ περιεσόμεν[α] ἐκ τ[ού-]
[τω]ν κατʼ ἔτος γενήματα καὶ ἐπιγενήματα ἀπ[ὸ] τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἐνεστῶ[τος] ἔτους καὶ ε[ἰ]σφέρ[ον]τος
[εἰς] τὸν κοινὸν τῆς [σ]υμβιώσεως οἶκον κα[ὶ τ]ελοῦντας(*) τὰ ὑπὲρ τούτων κατʼ ἔτ[ο]ς δημόσια [πά]ντα
[σι]τικά τε καὶ ἀργυρι[κ]ὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ἔτους. ἐὰν δὲ διαφορᾶς αὐτοῖς γεναμένης
25[χ]ωρίζονται(*) ἀπʼ ἀλλήλων, ἤτοι τοῦ Χαιρήμονος ἀποπέμποντος τ[ὴ]ν Θαισάριον ἢ καὶ αὐτῆς ἑκουσίω[ς]
[ἀ]παλλασσομέν[η]ς [ἀ]πʼ αὐτοῦ, ἔστωι(*) τοῦ τῆ[ς] Θα[ι]σαρ[ί]ου πατρὸς Σισόιτος, ἐὰ[ν] δ̣ὲ̣ [ο]ὗτος μὴ περιῆι, αὐ[τῆς] Θ̣[α]ισαρί[ου]
[ὁ] σημαινόμενο[ς κλῆρ]ος τῶν ἀρουρῶν δ[έκα] ἡμίσους τετάρτου καθὼ[ς] πρόκειται· ἔτι δὲ καὶ προ[σα]πο-
δώσιν(*) αὐτῆι ὁ Χ[αιρ]ήμων καὶ τὴν προγ[εγρα]μμένην φερνὴν καὶ τὰ παράφερνα οἷα ἐὰν ἐκ τῆς τρί-
ψεως ἐγβῆι(*), ἐπ[ὶ μὲν] τῆς ἀποπομπῆς πα[ραχρῆ]μα, ἐπὶ δὲ τουτῆς(*) ἑκουσ[ίο]υ ἀπαλλαγῆς ἐν ἡμέρα[ι]ς τριά-
30[κο]ντα ἀ̣φ̣ʼ ἧς ἐὰ[ν ἀπαι]τηθῆι. ἐν ὧι δ̣ʼ [ἂ]ν̣ ἔ̣τι(*) [τὰ κατὰ] τὸν ἀπʼ ἀλλ[ή]λων τῶν [γα]μούντω[ν χ]ωρ[ι]σμὸ[ν] γ̣έ̣[νη-]
[τ]α̣ι̣, ἀπ[ο]μερισθ[ήσεται] τὰ ἐκφόρια τοῦ κλήρ[ο]υ [εἰς] τὴν δωδε[κά]μην[ο]ν τ̣ὴ̣ν̣ τ̣οῦ τ̣ῆς̣ [ἀ]πο̣πλο̣κ̣ῆς ἔ̣[τους]
[κα]ὶ̣ ἕξε[ι] ὁ μὲν Χα[ιρήμω]ν κατὰ τὸ ἀνὰ λόγον τ[ῶν μ]η̣νῶν ὧν ἐ̣ὰ̣ν̣ ἦι ἡ Θαισ[άριο]ν μεμενη̣κυῖα ἐν τῶ[ι κ]ο̣ινῶι
[οἴκω]ι, ὁ δὲ Σισόις τὸ ἐπίλοιπον, πρ[ό]τερον ἀνταναιρεθ[έ]ντων τῶν τοῦ κλήρου δημοσίων καὶ σπερμά[τω]ν, γει-
[νο]μένης τῆς πράξ[ε]ως τῶν κατὰ τὴν συνγραφὴν τῶι Σισόιτι ἤ, μὴ περιόν̣[το]ς̣, τῆι Θαισαρί[ωι] καὶ τοῖς [παρʼ α]ὐτῆς
35[ἐκ] το̣ῦ̣ Χαιρήμ[ονο]ς καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων αὐτοῖς πάντων καθάπερ ἐγ(*) δίκης. ὑπογραφεὺς τοῦ Σ[ι]σόιτος
[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ν̣ Ἑρμᾶτος ὡς (ἐτῶν) μ̣α οὐλ(ὴ) μετώπωι ἐγ(*) δεξιῶν, τοῦ Χαιρήμονος εἰδότος γ[ρά]μματα.
^ 3. l. οὐλὴ
^ 4. l. [οὐλ]ὴ
^ 7. l. κλάνια
^ 8. l. λευκὴν
^ 8. l. μίαν
^ 8. l. [ναρ]κ[ι]σσίνην
^ 9. BL 3.160 : εδρυσ ̣α[ι] prev. ed.
^ 12. l. σφραγῖσι
^ 14. l. λεγομένη
^ 14. l. ἀποχεῖται
^ 15. l. ἧς
^ 16. l. σφ[ρ]αγῖδος
^ 18. l. ἣν
^ 18. l. ἀπηλιώτου
^ 18. l. κλῆρος
^ 21. l. κατασπείροντος
^ 21. l. ἀποφέροντος
^ 23. l. [τ]ελοῦντος
^ 25. l. [χ]ωρίζωνται
^ 26. l. ἔστω
^ 27-28. l. προ[σα]πο |δώσειν
^ 29. l. ἐκβῆι
^ 29. l. τῆς
^ 30. l. ἔτει
^ 35. l. ἐκ
^ 36. l. ἐκ
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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HGV 12939 Translation (English) [xml]
1 ‘Copy of agreement. The 13th year of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Imperator, the 22nd of the month Apellaeus, Phaophi 22, in Bacchias in the division of Heraclides of the Arsinoïte nome. Chaeremon son of Apollonius, a Persian of the Epigone, aged about 34 years, with a scar on the middle of the nose, acknowledges to Sisoïs son of Peteesis, aged about 71 years, with a scar on the left eyebrow, that he has received from him as dowry upon his daughter Thaisarion, who has formerly lived with Chaeremon as his wife, a hundred drachmae of silver coin, and as parapherna a pair of gold ear-rings weighing four quarters, a gold crescent of three quarters, two gold rings of two quarters, a pair of silver armlets to the weight of 44 drachmae of unstamped metal, two bracelets to the weight of 16 drachmae of unstamped metal; in raiment two robes, one white, one narcissus, and five mantles; and bronze utensils and a bath, to the total weight of four minae, and without weight two bronze … , and five minae of tin; and without valuation in usufruct as a gift from the present 13th year of Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Imperator the catoecic holding of 10¾ arurae the property of Sisoïs in the area of Bacchias in two plots, consisting of 7¾ arurae of a holding in the place called Sade, the boundaries of which are, on the south the holding formerly belonging to Heraclides son of Zoilus, on the north the holding of Apollonius son of Straton, on the west the dyke called that of Archias by which the holding is drained, on the east the holding of Petheus son of Ptollis, separated by a common water-channel by which the holding is irrigated, and the second plot containing the remaining 3 arurae situate in the place called after Pieneouis, the boundaries of which are on the south the holding of Bacchion son of Ammonius, on the north the holding of Pa … eus son of … , on the west the dyke into which the holding drains, on the east the holding of Pisistratus. Let both Thaisarion and Chaeremon the parties to the marriage live blamelessly together as in their previous married life, Chaeremon carrying out all the yearly work of cultivation connected with the holding of 10¾ arurae presented, sowing and harvesting the yearly produce and surplus produce resulting from them from the said present year, and carrying it to the home of their common wedded life, paying thereon all yearly public charges both of corn and money from the said present year. But if any difference arises between them and they separate the one from the other, either Chaeremon divorcing Thaisarion or Thaisarion withdrawing of her own free will, then the before-mentioned holding of 10¾ arurae shall belong to Thaisarion's father Sisoïs, or, if he be no longer living, to Thaisarion herself; and Chaeremon shall also restore the dowry aforesaid and the parapherna as they emerge from wear and tear, in the case of divorce forthwith, and in the case of voluntary withdrawal within 30 days from the day on which the demand is made to him. In what year soever the separation of the parties to the marriage takes place the proceeds of the holding for the twelve months of the year of separation shall be divided, and Chaeremon shall receive in proportion to the months during which Thaisarion shall have remained in the common house and Sisoïs the remainder, the public dues on the holding and seed-loans having first been deducted. As regards the terms of the contract Sisoïs, or, if he does not survive, Thaisarion and her assigns shall have the right of execution upon Chaeremon and all his property, as if in accordance with a legal decision. The subscriber of Sisoïs is … son of Hermas, aged about 41 years, with a scar on the right side of the forehead, Chaeremon being literate.’