DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.2.299 [xml]
ca. AD 50 Tebtynis
γραμματεῖ Τεβ[τύνεως]
παρὰ Ψύφιος(*) το[ῦ Ἁρπο-]
κρᾶ̣ τοῦ Πακή[βκιος μη-]
5τρὸς Θενμαρσ[ισούχου]
τῆς Ψύφιος(*) μη[τρὸς Κελ-]
λαύθιος τῶν ἀ[πὸ τῆς κώ-]
μης πέμπτη[ς φυλῆς]
ἱε̣ρε̣ος(*) τῶν ἐν̣ [τῇ κώμῃ]
10θεῶν Κρόνου [θεοῦ μεγίστ(ου(?))]
καὶ Εἴσιδος(*) κα[ὶ Σαράπιδος]
θεῶν μεγάλ[ων ἀπολυσί-]
μ[ο]υ ἀπὸ ἀνδ[ρῶν πεντή-]
κοντα . ἀπογρ[άφομαι]
15τὸν γεγονωτ(*) [μοι υἱὸν]
Πακῆβκιν μ[ητρὸς(?) Τα-]
ασ̣ι̣είους τῆς [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
μητρὸς Ταώ[πεως τῶι]
δεκάτωι ἔτ[ει Τιβερίου]
20Κλαυδίου Κα[ίσαρος]
Σεβαστοῦ Γε[ρμανικοῦ]
Αὐτοκράτορ[ος, καὶ ἀξιῶ]
ταγῆναι τὸ [τοῦ προκει-]
μένου μο[υ υἱοῦ Πακήβ-]
25κιος ὄνομα [ἐν -ca.?- ]
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APIS Translation (English)
To Areios son of Lysimachos, komogrammateus of Tebtunis, from Psyphis son of Harpokras son of Pakebkis, his mother being Thenmarsisouchos daughter of Psyphis and Kellauthis, inhabitants of the village, priest of the fifth tribe of the gods at the village, Kronos the most great god, and Isis and Serapis, the great gods, and one of the fifty exempted persons. I register Pakebkis, the son born to me and Taaseies daughter of N.N. her mother being Taopis in the tenth year of Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus Imperator, and request that the name of my aforesaid son Pakebkis be entered on the list � (Here the papyrus breaks off).