DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.2.376 [xml]
AD 162 Tebtynis
[Reprinted from: chr.wilck.350] WChr350
πα[ρ]ὰ Πη̣[ ̣ ̣]α̣ι̣τος τοῦ Ὀρσενού-
φεως ἀπὸ κώμης Τεπτύνεως.
βούλομαι μισθώσασθαι παρὰ
5σοῦ ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος τρίτου ἔτους
Ἀντωνείνου καὶ Οὐήρου τῶν κυρίων
Σεβαστῶν ἣν τυγχάνεις γεωρ-
γειν(*) περὶ κωμὴν Τεπτῦνιν γῆς
βασιλικῆς ἄρουραν μίαν τέταρτο(ν)
10ἢ ὅση ἐὰν ᾖ κοινὴν πρὸς Ἡρα-
κλῆν νε̣ώ̣[τερον] Κ̣α̣ι̣κ̣ιλίου τοῦ
Φομν̣άσιος ἀρουρῶν δύο ἡμι-
σουν(*) ἐν τῷ λεγομένῳ Δρυμῶι
μέχρι τῆς ἐσομένης κοινῆς γεωρ-
15γῶν διαμισθώσεως ἀντὶ τῶν
ἑξακολουθούντων τῇ μιᾷ τε-
τάρτῳ ἀρού[ρᾳ] ἐκφορίων καὶ ἄλλω(ν)
μερισμῶν ἀκολούθως τῇ τῶν
ἀρουρῶν [συν]ηθείᾳ. σπερῶ δὲ
20[ἐ]π̣ὶ̣ τ[ὸ ἐνεστὸς ἔτ]ος οἷς ἐὰν α[ἱ-]
ρῶμ[α]ι̣ [γένεσι σοῦ το]ῦ̣ Χεῦτ̣ο̣ς̣ [ ̣ ̣]
τά̣σσ̣ο̣ν̣[τος ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ἐπιμερισθ[ ̣ ̣ ̣]
σοι ὑποτ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] τ̣ε Πολυδευκί-
ας Θεμίστ[ου κα]ὶ ἄλλου ἐπιξένου,
25διὰ τὸ ἐπὶ τούτοις μεμισθῶσθαι.
ἐπάναγκον σὲ δὲ τὸν Χεῦν
τὴν καταδιαίρεσιν τοῦ κλήρου
ποιήσε̣σθαι πρὸς τὸν προγεγραμ-
μένον Ἡρακλῆν, δώσω σοι δὲ κα-
30θʼ ἔτος πυροῦ ἀρταβη(*) μια(*) μέτρῳ
τετραχοινίκῳ θησαυ[ρ]οῦ Τεπτύνεω(ς).
Χεῦς ὡς (ἐτῶν) λγ ο(ὐλὴ) [π]ήχ(ει) ἀριστ(ερῷ).
(ἔτους) γ Ἀντωνίνου καὶ Οὐήρου τῶν κυρίων
Σεβαστῶν Ἁθὺρ κ.
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APIS Translation (English)
To Cheus son of Saras from N.N. son of Orsenouphis of the village of Tebtunis. I wish to lease from you from the current 3rd year of Antoninus and Verus the lords Augusti the 1 1/4 arouras or thereabouts of domain land at Tebtunis, which you are at present cultivating and which is jointly held by Herakles the younger, son of Caecilius son of Phomnasis, as part of 2 1/2 arouras in the so-called Marsh, until the coming joint leasing out among the cultivators at the rent devolving upon the 1 1/4 arouras and other rates in accordance with the custom of the land. I shall sow for the current year any crops I choose, you, Cheus, paying the � apportioned to you by the persons from (?) Poludeukia in the division of Themistos and other external districts, as the lease is made on these terms. You, Cheus, must make the division of the holding with the aforesaid Herakles; and I will pay you yearly 1 artaba of wheat by the 4-choinix measure of the magazine of Tebtunis. Cheus, aged 33, having a scar on the right forearm. The 3rd year of Antoninus and Verus the lords Augusti, Hathur 20.