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p.wisc.1.18 = HGV P.Wisc. 1 18 = Trismegistos 13705 = wisconsin.apis.5394

DDbDP transcription: p.wisc.1.18 [xml]

AD 146-7 Theadelphia

Θέωνι στρ̣α̣(τηγῷ) Ἀρσι(νοίτου) Θεμίστ(ου) καὶ Πολ(έμωνος) μερίδω(ν)
καὶ Ἀρτεμιδώ(ρῳ) βασιλ(ικῷ) γρ(αμματεῖ) Θεμίστ(ου) με̣ρ̣ί̣δ(ος)
καὶ Ἡρᾷ κωμογρ(αμματεῖ) Θεαδελ(φείας)
παρὰ Ἀπολλω(  ) καὶ Ἥρων(ος) πρεσβ(υτέρου) καὶ Ἥρω(νος)
5ν̣ε̣ω̣[τέ(ρου) τ]ῶ̣ν̣ γ Ἀπολ(λω ) τοῦ καὶ Σωκρ(άτους)
ἀναγρ(αφομένων) ἐ̣π̣ʼ ἀμφόδ(ου) Ἱερ(ᾶς) Πύλ(ης). ὑπάρχ(ει)
ἡμεῖν(*) \(ἐν τῇ) π̣ρ̣(οκειμένῃ) κώμ(ῃ) Θεαδελ(φείᾳ)/ π̣ατρικ(ῶν) (ἥμισυ) μέρο(ς) οἰκιῶν
καὶ αἰθ[ρίου] καὶ αὐλ(ῆς), ἐν ᾧ οὐδεὶς κατα̣γ̣(ίνεται)(*)
[καὶ οὐδένα ἀπογρ]α̣φ̣όμεθα εἰς τὴν το(ῦ) διελ(ηλυθότος)
10[θ (ἔτους) Ἀν(τωνίνου) Καί(σαρος) τ(οῦ) κ(υρίου) κατʼ ο]ἰ̣κίαν ἀπογρ(αφὴν). διὼ(*) ἐπι̣(δίδομεν).


^ 7. l. ἡμῖν
^ 8. P.Oxy. 74 4983.16-17 n. : κατο̣ι̣(κεῖ) prev. ed.
^ 10. l. διὸ

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APIS Translation (English)

To Theon, straregus of the division of Themistes and Polemon of the Arsinoites and to Artemidoros, basilicogrammateus of the division of Themistes and to Heras, komogrammateus of Theadelphia from Apollo ( ) and Heron senior and Heron junior, all 3 sons of Apollo ( ) alias Socrates, enrolled in the district of the Holy Gate. We possess in the aforesaid village of Theadelphia one half of our paternal houses and of an atrium and of a courtyard, in which no-one is living and which we declare as untenanted for the tax-return of the past 9th year of Antoninus Caesar the Lord. That is why we submit it.