DDbDP transcription: pap.choix.27 [xml]
AD 305 Philadelphia
[Reprinted from: p.wisc.1.32] P.Wisc. 1 32
[τῶ]ν̣ ἐπιφαν̣[εστά]των Και̣σ̣άρων τὸ̣ [ε].
Αὐ̣ρηλίωι Ἀπίω̣νι στρατηγῶι Ἀρσινο̣[είτο]υ̣
παρὰ Αὐρηλίων̣ Π̣αμουτίου Ἀ̣θιόει(*) καὶ̣ Ἀρριανοῦ̣ Ἀ[π]ύγχεως ἀμφο-
5τέρων κωμαρχ[ῶν] κώμης Φιλ̣αδελφίας̣. ὑπὲρ λυσ̣[ιτε]λίας(*) τοῦ ἱερω-
τάτου ταμίου(*) καὶ̣ τοῦ συστῆναι τὴν ἡμέτεραν [ὁρ]μὴν(*) ποιού-
μεθ̣α. στρατηγῶν̣ ἄριστε, μακρό̣θεν τυγχά[νο]μεν κατοικοῦν-
τες̣ τ̣ὴν ἡμέτερα̣ν κώμην, πάνπολλα(*) δὲ χρέως [ἔχο]ν̣τ̣ε̣ς̣ τῷ ἱερω-
τάτῳ ταμίῳ(*) ὑπὲρ τῆς ἡμετέρας κώμης οὐ μὴν̣ [ἀλλ]ὰ̣ κ̣αὶ ὑπὲρ
10μέρους Τάνεως. ὑ(πὲρ) τοῦ οὖν εὐθέως δύνασθαι τὰ ὕδ̣[ατα] κ̣αὶ ἡμᾶς
καταλαμβάνιν(*) καὶ ὄνησιν ἔχειν καὶ τοῦ πᾶσαν τ̣ὴ̣ν̣ γῆν ἡμῶν
γεωργῖν(*) καὶ δύνασθαι τελῖν(*) τὰ ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν δ̣η̣μό̣σια τελέσ-
ματα καὶ ἀννωνιακη(*) καὶ παντοίας ἐπιβολὰς, ἐπιδίδο̣μ̣έν σοι τάδε
τὰ ἔνγραφα ἀξιοῦντες ἐπιστῖλέ(*) σαι(*) διʼ ἑ̣νὸς τῶν πε[ρ]ὶ σὲ ὑπ̣ηρετῶν
15τῇ κρατίστῃ βουλ̣ῇ διὰ τοῦ ἐνάρχου πρυτάνεως Αὐ[ρ]ηλί[ο]υ Καστορίω-
νος, ὅπως ἑρή[σ]ηται(*) συνοψιστὴν τὸν τὴν σύνο̣ψιν τ̣ῶν ρἱθου(*)
καὶ λι̣θικῶν ποιουμεν(*) τῶν ἐν κώμῃ Τάνει τοῦ [ὑμ]ετ[έρ(ου)] ν̣ομοῦ,
ἵνα δυνηθῶμεν καὶ ἡμῖς(*) τῆς τοῦ λίνου(*) παροχῆ̣ς ἀπο̣λ̣αύειν
καὶ πότιμον ὕδωρ ἔχειν καὶ τὸ πεδίον τῆς ἡμε̣[τ]έ̣ρας̣ κ̣ώ̣μης
20κατασπίριν(*) καὶ ἐν τῇ ἰδίᾳ στῆναι καὶ ὄνησιν ἔχ̣[ει]ν τ̣ῶ̣ν ἰδίων. διευτύχ̣(ει).
(ἔτους) κα καὶ ιγ τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Διοκ̣λ̣ητιανοῦ καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ Σ[εβ]ασ̣τ̣ῶν καὶ Κωνσταντί(ου)
καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ τῶν ἐ̣πιφανεστ̣άτ̣ω̣ν̣ Καισάρων Παχὼν α̣. (hand 2) Α̣ὐρήλιοι
Παμο̣ῦτις καὶ Ἀρριανὸς ἐπιδε[δ]ώ̣καμεν. Αὐρήλιος Κοπ̣[ρ]ῆ̣ς Εὐπόρου
ἔγρ̣α̣ψα ὑ(πὲρ) αὐτῶν ἀγραμμά̣[τ]ω̣ν.
^ 4. corr. ex α̣θιουι
^ 5. l. λυσιτελείας
^ 6. l. ταμιείου
^ 6. D. Hagedorn, ZPE 142 (2003) 146 : [κώ]μην prev. ed.
^ 8. l. πάμπολλα
^ 9. l. ταμιείῳ
^ 11. l. καταλαμβάνειν
^ 12. l. γεωργεῖν
^ 12. l. τελεῖν
^ 13. l. ἀννωνιακὴν
^ 14. l. ἐπιστεῖλέ
^ 14. l. σε
^ 16. l. ἡρή[σ]ηται
^ 16. l. ῥιθρῶν
^ 17. l. ποιούμεν<ον>
^ 18. l. ἡμεῖς
^ 18. P.Wisc. 1.32 : <Νίλ>ου Pap. Choix 27
^ 20. l. κατασπείρειν
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
During the consulate of our lords Constantius and Maximianus, the most illustrious Caesares, the 5th time. To Aurelius Apion, strategus of the Arsinoites from Aurelius Pamutis, son of Athiois and Aurelius Arrianos, son of Arguleus, both komarchoi of the village of Philadelphia. We act in connection with the benefit of the most sacred treasury and the organizing of our village. Best of the strategi, for a long time we inhabit our village having a great many debts, truly not in connection with our village, but in fact in connection with the part Tanis. In order now that we, too, can get the water forthwith and benefit and cultivate all our land and can pay the state-taxes for this and the annona and all kinds of extra charges we submit this document to you, requesting that you, by means of your servants, inform the most exalted council through the prytanis in office, Aurelius Kastorion, in order that it (the council) carry out an inspection, making an estimate of the states of the stream and which are covered with stones, situated in the village of Tanis of your nome, so that we too can benefit from the coming up of the flax and have drinkable water and sow the flat land of our village and stay in our own territory and have benefit from our own possessions. Farewell. The year 21 and 13 of our lords Diocletianus and Maximianus Augusti and Constantius and Maximianus the most illustrious Caesar, the 1st Pachon. Aurelius Pamutis and Aurelius Arrianos, we have submitted it. Aurelius Kopres, son of Euporos, I have written it for them, because they can not write.