sign in

sb.5.7819 = HGV SB 5 7819 = Trismegistos 14036 = michigan.apis.2650

DDbDP transcription: sb.5.7819 [xml]

AD 215? Soknopaiou Nesos

τετελώνιται(*) δι̣ὰ̣ π̣ύ̣(λης)
Νήσου Σοκνοπαίου
(ἑκατοστῆς) καὶ (πεντηκοστῆς) Παβοῦς εἰ-
σά̣γων [ἐπʼ] ὄνῳ
5ἑνεὶ(*) καλάμ(ινον)
σφ[υρίδ]ιον ἕνα
εἰσά[γων] τῇ πέμπτῃ
Θώθ, (ἔτους) κδ ἐπαγ(ομένων)(*)
δευτ(έρᾳ)(*) ⁦ vac. ? ⁩


^ 1. l. τετελώνηται
^ 5. l. ἑνὶ
^ 8.   ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ prev. ed.
^ 9. δευχ(  ) prev. ed.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

Paid, through the gate-house of Soknopaiou Nesos, the 3 % (customs duty), by Pabous, importing on the fifth of Thoth one basket (sphyridion) of glazed pottery on one donkey. Year 24, on the second of the intercalary days, 2.