sign in

sb.12.10961 = HGV SB 12 10961 = Trismegistos 14381 = michigan.apis.2509

DDbDP transcription: sb.12.10961 [xml]

II spc Arsinoite

Μῶρος καὶ μέτοχοι
πρακτορου(*) στεφανι-
κοῦ κώμης Θεογονίδο-
ς Ἡρακλείδης(*). ἔσχα-
5μεν(*) παρὰ σοῦ ὑπὲρ σ-
τεφανικοῦ δ (ἔτους) Ἐπὶφ(*)
δραχμὰς ὀκτώ, (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) η,
ἀριθμήσεως Χυὰκ δραχ-
μὰς τέσσαρος(*), (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) δ


^ 2. l. πράκτορες
^ 4. l. Ἡρακλείδῃ
^ 4-5. l. ἔσχο |μεν
^ 6. corr. ex δπιφ
^ 9. l. τέσ\σ/αρας

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

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APIS Translation (English)

Moros and his associate collectors of the crown tax for the viggage of Theogenis to Herakleides. We have received from you for the crown tax for Epeiph of year 4 eight drachmae, total 8 dr., and for the account of Choiak four drachmae, total 4 dr.