sign in

sb.18.13911 = HGV SB 18 13911 = Trismegistos 14779 = michigan.apis.1912

DDbDP transcription: sb.18.13911 [xml]

AD 170 Arsinoiton Polis, Krokodilopolis, Ptolemais Euergetis

ἔτους θ Ἀντωνίνου καὶ Οὐήρου τῶν κυρίων
Σεβαστῶν Ἀρμενιακῶν Μηδικῶν
Παρθικῶν Μεγίστων Ἐπὶφ κε ἀρ(ιθμήσεως)   ̣  ̣  ̣( ) δ̣ιέγρ(αψεν)
Ἅρπαλ(ος) Ἀπ̣ί̣ω̣ν̣ο̣ς̣ Ἑρμ(  ) μη(τρὸς) Σαμ̣π̣ά̣θ(εως)
5ὑπ(ὲρ) λαο(γραφίας) ἐνάτου (ἔτους) Ἑτ(έρων) Χη(νοβοσκῶν)
(δραχμὰς) εἴκωσι(*), (γίνονται) κ προσ(διαγραφόμενα) χ(αλκοῦ) ὀβ(ολοὺς) δέκα


^ 6. l. εἴκοσι

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APIS Translation (English)

"The second year of Antoninus and Verus, the lords Augusti Armeniaci Medici Parthici Maximi, Epeiph 25, account of Pharmouthi (or Pauni [?]), paid by Harpalus, son of Apion, grandson of Herm( ), his mother being Sambathis, as poll-tax of the second year for the Second Goose-farm Quarter, twenty drachmas, that is, 20, with payments of ten copper obols."