DDbDP transcription: sb.20.14134 [xml]
AD 111 Tebtunis
[Reprinted from: p.tebt.2.621] PTebt 2,621
Τραιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ Θὼθ γ̣. δι̣έγ̣ρ̣(αψεν) Ἑ̣ρ̣ι̣[εῦτι (?)]
π̣ράκ(τορι) μητροπ̣(ολιτικῶν) ἀ̣μφόδ(ου) Συριακῆς Δ̣ε̣[ῖος](*)[ (?)]
Δ̣είου το(ῦ) Δ̣ιδᾶ μητρὸς Θαισᾶτος [(ὑπὲρ) λαο(γραφίας)]
5τεσσα̣ρ̣εσκαιδ̣εκάτου (ἔτους) (δραχμὰς) εἴ[κοσι,]
(γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) κ, προσ(διαγραφόμενα) \χ(αλκοῦ)/ \ὀβ(ολοὺς)/ δέκα .
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APIS Translation (English)
Year 15 of Imperator Caesar Trajanus Augustus, Thoth 3. Paid by Deios son of Deios son of Didas, his mother being Thaisas to Herieus (?), collector of the metropolitan taxes, in the district Syriake as poll-tax of the fourteenth year twenty drachmas, that is, 20 dr., with additional payments of ten bronze obols.