DDbDP transcription: p.theon.7 [xml]
AD 157 Arsinoite
κ̣ (ἔτους) Φα̣ρμ(οῦθι) ιη. δὸς λόγου Ἰουλ(ίων)
Θέωνος καὶ Θέωνος
δαπάνης ἀποστολῆς στράτης
Ἀρσινοείτ(ου)(*) ἐπιδημησάντ(ων)
5τῶν ε̣ὐ̣σχ(ημόνων) \ἀπὸ (δραχμῶν) ιβ/ αἱ αἱροῦσαι(*) (δραχμὰς)
διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ Ἁρ ̣[ -ca.?- ](*) (δραχμὰς) β.
(hand 2) δὸ(ς) τὰς (δραχμὰς) β.
^ 4.
l. Ἀρσινοίτ(ου)^ 5.
l. τὰς αἱρούσας, BL 7.274 : αιαιραπαι (l. διὰ Ἁραπάι) prev. ed.^ 6.
BL 7.274 : Ἁραπ̣(άι) prev. ed.
- 2014-04-02T09:34:27.727-04:00 [berkes.lajos]: Finalized - ready
- 2014-04-02T09:34:27.721-04:00 [james.cowey]: Vote - Accept-Straight-to-Finalization - Fine.
- 2014-03-13T10:39:07.953-04:00 [dieter.hagedorn]: Z. 5: διὰ Αἱαιραπαί → αἱ αἱροῦσαι (l. τὰς αἱρούσας); Anpassung an BL VII 274. Die
jetzige Fassung der DDbDP ist fehlerhaft gegenüber der Edition. Sijpesteijn druckte
αιαιραπαι, was er als „scribal error for διὰ Ἁραπάι or δι᾽ Ἁραπάι“ erklärte; διὰ Αἱαι-
ist also eine Verdoppelung. Z. 6: Ἁραπ̣(άι) → Ἁρ ̣[ ]; Anpassung an BL VII 274.
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
- 2011-10-04 [Faith]: Automatically updated revision description
- 2011-09-20 [Faith]: Automated transfer of accents across reg-orig pairs
- 2011-03-02 [gabrielbodard]: batch converted all tei:sic to tei:orig and tei:corr to tei:reg
- 2010-05-05 [gabrielbodard]: changed schema; added xml:space=preserve; indented; moved title/@n to idno
- 2009-11-12 [gabrielbodard]: Added language la-Grek
- 2009-06-27 [gabrielbodard]: Converted from TEI P4 (EpiDoc DTD v. 6) to P5 (EpiDoc RNG schema)
- 2008-12-23 [papyri.info]: Automated split from transcoder files
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
"Year 20, Pharmouthi 18. Give from the account of Julius Theon and Julius Theon for
the expense of a shipment by the road from the Arsinoite nome, their Excellensies
having come for a visit, of 12 drachmas through the same Arapai 2 drachmas. (2nd
hd.) Give the 2 drachmas."