sign in

p.theon.27 = HGV P.Theon. 27 = Trismegistos 15886 = michigan.apis.2014

DDbDP transcription: p.theon.27 [xml]

AD 161 Oxyrhynchite

κδ [(ἔτους)] Μεχ(εὶρ) ιε. λόγου
Ἰουλ(ίου) Θέ̣[ω(νος)] ἐνάρχ(ου) ἀρχιδ(ικαστοῦ)
Μαλίωι Ἀντωνείνωι(*) ὀθο-
νιοπ̣ώλ̣(ῃ) εἰς τιμ(ὴν) ὀθονίων
5ἀπ[ὸ](*) Ἀπόλλωνος (δραχμὰς) ϛ.
(hand 2) δὸ(ς) τὰς (δραχμὰς) ϛ.


^ 3. l. Ἀντωνίνῳ
^ 5. corr. ex

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

"Year 24, Mecheir 15. (Give) from the account of Julius Theon the functioning archidikastes to Malius Antoninus the linen-seller, for the price of linen goods from Apollon, 6 drachmas. (2nd hd.) Give the 6 drachmas."