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p.wisc.2.64 = HGV P.Wisc. 2 64 = Trismegistos 15900 = wisconsin.apis.5424

DDbDP transcription: p.wisc.2.64 [xml]

AD 480 Oxyrhynchus

(hand 1) ⳨ ἡ ἁγία ἐκκλ(ησία) (hand 3) Πέτρῳ οἰ(κονόμῳ) Κο̣σ̣μᾶ.(*)
(hand 1) παράσχου Σοφίᾳ χήρᾳ ἀφʼ (ὧν) ἔχεις ἱ(*)ματίων εἰς καλὴν
χρείαν ἱ(*)μάτιον ἕν, γί(νεται) ἱ(*)μάτι(ον) α μό(νον). (hand 2) † ἔ̣ρ(ρωσο).
(hand 1) (ἔτους) ρνϛ ρκε Μεχεὶρ α γ ἰνδικ(τίονος).


^ 1. A. Martin, CdE 91 (2016) 218-219 (Papyrologica 20) : ἐκκλ(ησία) Πέτρῳ οἰ(κονόμῳ) Κο̣σ̣μᾶ. prev. ed.
^ 2. ϊματιων papyrus
^ 3. ϊματιον papyrus
^ 3. ϊματι papyrus

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Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

The holy church to Petros, oeconomos (of the churcg of) Kosmas. Give the widow Sophia from the coats which you have for good use one coat, total 1 coat only. (2nd hand) Greetings. (1st hand) Year 156 = 125, Mecheir 1 of the 3rd indiction.