DDbDP transcription: p.ryl.4.607 [xml]
III spc ?
Διονύσιος Ἀπίωνι
προσέταξεν ἡ θεία τύχη τῶν
δεσποτῶν ἡμῶν τὸ Ἰ(*)ταλικὸν νόμισμα
5εἰς ἥμισυ νούμμου καταβιβασθῆναι· σπού-
δασον οὖν πᾶν τὸ Ἰ(*)ταλικὸν ἀργύριον
ὃ ἔχεις ἀναλῶσαι ἀγοράσας μοι εἴδη
παντοδαπὰ κα̣ὶ π[ο]ίας εὑρίσκεις τιμῆς.
τούτου τε ἕνεκα ἀπέστειλα πρός σε
10ὀφφ(ικιάλιον)· προγίνωσκε δὲ ὡς εἰ βουληθείης(*)
κακουργίᾳ τινὶ χρήσασθαι οὐκ ἀν-
έξομαί σου. (hand 2) ἐρρῶσθαί σε πολλοῖς χρόνοις
εὔχομαι, ἄδελφε. v
(hand 3) Φαρμοῦθι η̣ παρέλαβα τὴν ἐπιστολὴν π(αρὰ) τοῦ ὀφφ(ικιαλίου)
15(hand 4) Διονύσιος Ἀπίωνο(ς) Ἀντινοέ̣(ως) β̣οηθ̣(οῦ) Διονύσιος
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HGV 17308 Translation (English) [xml]
1 ‘Dionysius to Apion, greeting. The divine Fortune of our masters has ordained that the Italian coinage be reduced to the half of a nummus. Make haste, therefore, to spend all the Italian silver that you have on purchases, on my behalf, of goods of every description at whatever price you find them. For this purpose I have dispatched an officialis to you. But take notice that should you intend to indulge in any malpractices I shall not allow you to do so. I pray, my brother, that you may be in long health.
14 I have received the letter from the officialis on the 8th of Pharmouthi.’