DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.17.2126 [xml]
AD 261-62? Oxyrhynchus
τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Οὐαλεριανῶν
καὶ Γαλ̣[λιη]ν̣ο̣ῦ Σεβαστῶν δι(ὰ) θησ(αυροῦ) λιβὸς τοπ(αρχίας)
Σερύφεως τόπ(ων) Σπαρτιάτης ὁ καὶ Χαιρήμων γ̣υ̣[μ(νασιαρχήσας)]
5διὰ Ἀ̣γ̣άθο̣υ θέμα ἀρταβ(ῶν) ἑκατόν .
Αὐρήλ(ιος) Σαραπίων δε(κά)π(ρωτος) σεσ̣(ημείωμαι) τὰς (ἀρτάβας) ρ.
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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HGV 17507 Translation (English) [xml]
1 Measured to the public account from the produce of the past 8th year of our lords the Valeriani and Gallienus, Augusti, through the granary of the district of Seruphis in the western toparchy by Spartiates also called Chaeremon, ex-gymnasiarch, through Agathus, a deposit of a hundred artabae. Signed by me, Aurelius Sarapion, decemprimus, 100 art. (Translation: A.S. Hunt, P.Oxy. 17 2126)