HGV 18372
HGV: SB 18 13745 [source] [xml]
Title | Horoskop |
Publications | SB 18 13745 |
Support/Dimensions | Gold |
Post-Concordance BL Entries | IX 305 |
Origin | unbekannt |
Material | Gold |
Date | 17. Aug. 327 |
Commentary | Zum Material vgl. BL IX, S. 305. |
Print Illustrations | Collection de Clerq: Catalogue, Tome VII, 2e partie, S. 662 (no. 3075), Pl. XXIII |
Subjects | Horoskop |
License | © Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. |
Trismegistos: 18372 [source]
Publications | SB 18 13745 (Rupprecht, Hans-Albert / Hengstl, Joachim; 1993) = Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 108 (1964), p. 69 no. 347 (Festugière, André-Jean / ; 1964) |
Inv. no. | Location unknown, Private collection de Clercque number unknown |
Date | AD 327 Aug 17 |
Language | Greek |
Provenance | Egypt[found & written] |
Linked Data
RDF/XML | Turtle | N-Triples | JSON | Graph Visualization