DDbDP transcription: bgu.4.1133 [xml]
19 BC Alexandria
1[παρὰ] Χ̣αιρήμον(ος) τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ Ζ̣ω̣π̣υ̣ρ̣ί̣ω(νος) καὶ πα(ρὰ) Ἀρτεμιδώρο(υ) το(ῦ) Παθ̣ρ̣έω(ς) Π[έρσ]ο(υ)
[τῆς ἐ]π̣ι̣γ(ονῆς) κ[αὶ] τῆ(ς) τούτ[ου] γυναικ(ὸς) Ἑρμιόνη(ς) τῆ(ς) Χαιρήμ(ονος) Περσείνη(ς)(*)
[μετ]ὰ κυρίο(υ) α̣ὐ̣τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ Ἀρτεμιδώρο(υ). ἐπεὶ παρακληθεὶς ὁ Χα[ι]ρήμων
[ὑπʼ] α̣ὐ̣το(ῦ) Ἀρτε[μιδώ]ρο(υ) καὶ τῆς Ἑρμιόνη(ς) συνανίρ̣ητα̣ι̣(*) αὐτο(ῖς)
5[ὀν]ό̣[μ(ατα)] δύο ω̣ ̣ ̣ ̣η̣μα παρὰ Ἀρτεμιδώ(ρου) το(ῦ) Ἡρακλείδ(ου) ἐρανάρχο(υ)
[εἰς] τὸ πληρω(θῆναι) χ̣α̣λ̣κ̣ο̣(ῦ) (τάλαντα) κγ̣ Α ̣(*) κ̣α̣τ̣ὰ̣ [συνχ]ώ(ρησιν) τὴν γεγονυῖα(ν)
[τ]ῇ αὐτῇ ἡμέρ[ᾳ] διὰ το(ῦ) αὐτο(ῦ) κριτη(ρίου) συνχωρο̣ῦ̣σ̣ι̣ν̣ ὁ̣ μ̣ὲ̣ν̣
[Ἀρτ]εμίδωρο(ς) κ̣α̣ὶ̣ ἡ Ἑρμιό(νη) τὸν μὲ(ν) Χαιρήμον(α) μηδὲν ἁπλῶς
[ἀπ]ὸ το(ῦ) προκειμένο(υ) κεφαλαίο(υ) εἰληφένα(ι), αὐτο(ὺς) δὲ τῷ παντ(ὶ)
10[εἰς τ]ὸ ἴδιο(ν) κατακεχρῆσθαι, ὃ καὶ ἀποδώσειν τῷ το(ῦ) Ἡρακλείδο(υ)
[Ἀρ]τεμιδώρῳ ἔν τισι ὡρισμέναις καταφορα(ῖς) ἀκολούθω(ς) τῇ προ-
[ ̣ ̣ -ca.?- ]ιε̣ι̣ν̣ε ̣μ̣έ(νῃ) σ̣υ̣ν̣χω(ρήσει) καὶ περιλύσειν αὐτὸ(ν) τῆ(ς) συν[χ]ω̣ρ̣ή(σεως) καὶ
[ἀ]πὸ δὲ τοῦ νῦ(ν) ἀπερίσπαστο(ν) αὐτὸ(ν) καὶ ἀνείσπρακτο(ν) κατὰ
[πά]ντα τρόπο(ν) περὶ τούτω(ν) παρέξεσθαι, ταῦτα δὲ ποήσιν(*) ἄνευ
15[π]άση(ς) ἀντιλογ(ίας), εἰ δὲ μὴ εἶναι αὐτο(ὺς) ἀγω(γίμους) καὶ συνέ(χεσθαι) μέχρι το(ῦ) ἐκτῖσ(αι)
[ὃ] ἐὰν ἐνοφιλήσωσ(ι)(*) πρὸς τὰ δύο ὀνόμ(ατα) σὺν ἡμιο(λίᾳ) παραχρῆμ(α)
[καὶ] το(ὺς) καθήκ(οντας) τ̣ό̣κ̣(ους) καὶ τὰ βλάβη τῆ(ς) πράξεω(ς) γεινο(μένης) τῷ Χαιρήμ(ονι)
[ἔ]κ τε ἀμφοτέρ(ων) ἀλληλ(εγγύων) ὄντ(ων) εἰς ἔκτισ(ιν) καὶ ἐξ ἑνὸ(ς) καὶ ἐξ ὁποτ(έρου) οὗ ἐὰν
[α]ὐτῶ(ν) αἱρῆται καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχό(ντων) αὐτο(ῖς) πάντ(ων) καθάπε(ρ) ἐκ δίκ(ης)
20[ἀ]κύρων οὐσῶν <ἐὰν ἐπενέγκωσι πίστεων πασῶν σκέπης πάσης0> ε
(ἔτους) ιβ Καιρ(*) Χοιὰχ ιη
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HGV 18577 Translation (English) [xml]
1 From Chaeremon son of Zopyrion, Artemidorus son of Pathreus, Persian of the Epigone,
and his wife Hermione daughter of Chaeremon, Persian, with her husband Artemidorus,
her guardian. 3 Whereas Chaeremon, on the request of Artemidorus and Hermione, had himself named with
them in two loans from Artemidorus son of Heraclides, president of the club, so that
they might borrow up to – dr. in bronze in accordance with the agreement made on the
same day before the same tribunal, 7 Artemidorus and Hermione acknowledge that Chaeremon received absolutely nothing from
the above-mentioned sum, but that they have used the whole amount for their own private
needs, and they shall pay it back to Artemidorus son of Heraclides in the prescribed
instalments according to the terms of the aforesaid agreement, and they shall release
Chaeremon from his agreement, and from this time on shall in every way protect him
from arrest or exaction in regard to the loan. This they shall do without any dispute. 15 If not, they shall be liable to arrest and detention until they pay whatever they
owe on the two loans with a penalty of 50% and the legal interest as well as damages.
Chaeremon shall have the right of exaction from both, being mutually liable for payment,
or from whichever one he chooses and from all their property as if legal judgement
had been given, whatever pacts they may plead of any kind being invalid.
21 The 12th year of Caesar. Choiak 18. (Translation: Johnson, Roman Egypt, Nr. 282)