DDbDP transcription: p.lond.4.1335 [xml]
AD 709 Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis
(πε)ρ(ὶ) σί(του) ἀρ(ταβῶν) Β ἐμβολ\[(ῆς)]/
ἐν ὀ[νό]ματι τοῦ Θεοῦ Κορρα υἱὸς Σζεριχ σύμβουλ[ος]
[Βασιλείῳ διοικητῇ κώμης Ἀφροδιτώ -ca.?- ]
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4εἰς τὰ ὅρρια Βαβυλῶνος ἀπʼ ἐμβολῆς ἰνδικτί[ονος]
5ὀγδόης λόγῳ ῥουζικοῦ Μωαγαριτῶν τοῦ Φοσ[σάτου]
καὶ ἐτάξαμεν διὰ τῆς διοικήσεώς σο\υ/ δισχιλ[ίας]
ἀρτάβας σίτου καὶ τὰ τούτων ἐντάγια ποι[ήσαντες]
τοῖς τῶν χωρίων ἐπέμψαμέν σοι ἐνθέμ[ενοι]
εἰς αὐτὰ ἵνα ἐὰν στενωθῶσιν οἱ τῶν χωρίω[ν δοῦναι]
10τὸν σῖτον καὶ δώσωσιν ἀπαργυρισμὸν δώσ[ουσιν]
κατὰ δεκατρεῖς ἀρτάβας καθαρὰς σὺν ναύλ[ῳ]
τοῦ νομίσματος. vac. ? δεχόμενος οὖν τὰ παρόντ[α γράμματα]
πρὸς τὴν δύναμιν τῶν ἐνταγίων τὸν τοιο[ῦ]τ[ον σῖτον]
πέμψον καὶ παράδος εἰς τὰ ὅρρια κομιζό[μενος]
15τὰς ὑπὲρ αὐτο(ῦ) ἀποδείξεις καὶ {καν} εἰ ἐγράψ[αμέν σοι](*)
τὴν κοπήν. ἀλλʼ οὖν πᾶσαν σπουδὴν ποίη[σον]
τοῦ μὴ δοθῆναι ἀπαργυρισμὸν εἰ μὴ αὐτὸν τὸ[ν σῖτον].
ἐγρ(άφη) μ(ηνὸς) Μεσο(ρὴ) α ἰ(ν)δ(ικτίονος) η v
Κορρα υἱ(ὸς) Σζεριχ σύμβουλος Βασιλείῳ διοικ(ητῇ) κ[ώμη(ς) Ἀφροδ(ιτώ)]
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
HGV 19793 Translation (English) [xml]
1 Concerning 2000 artabas of wheat for the embola. In the name of God. Ḳurrah b. Sharīk, Governor, to Basil, administrator of the village of Aphrodito … 4 to the barns of Babylon from the embola of the 8th indiction for the rizḳ of the Muhājirūn of Fusṭāṭ, and we have apportioned to your administrative district 2000 artabas of wheat, and having made out the demand notes for these to the people of the separate places have sent them to you, stating in them that if the people of the separate places have any difficulty in paying the wheat and compound in money they shall pay in the proportion of 13 clean artabas with freight to the solidus. 12 On receiving the present letter, therefore, in accordance with the powers given by the demand notes, send the said wheat and deliver it at the barns, obtaining the receipts for it, and even though you wrote [that it would be a great?] trouble nevertheless use all diligence to prevent a money composition being given instead of the wheat itself. 18 Written the 1st Mesore, 8th indiction. (Translation: H.I. Bell, Translations of the Greek Aphrodito Papyri (1911) 271)