DDbDP transcription: p.ross.georg.4.14 [xml]
AD 710 Aphrodito, Aphroditopolis
[Reprinted from: p.lond.4.1396] PLond4,1396
(πε)ρ(ὶ) λοιπ(ά)δ(ων) διαφορ(ῶν) διασταλμῶ(ν) Ἀφρ(οδιτώ) [ -ca.?- ] Arabic 1 line
ἐν ὀνόματι του θεοῦ. Κόρρα β(εν) Σζερὶχ’ σύμβουλος
Βασιλείῳ διοικητῇ κώμης Ἀφροδιτ[ώ]. εὐχαριστοῦμεν
τῷ’ θεῷ καὶ μετὰ ταῦτα’ ἡμῶν ψηλαφησάντων τὰ δι’ασταλέντα
5διὰ τῆς διοικήσεώς σου διʼ ἡμετέρων ἐνταγίων̣ ἐν ἰνδικτίονι ὀγδόῃ
λόγῳ δι’αφόρων δημοσίων στίχων καὶ ἄλλων ηὕραμεν(*) α’ὐτὴν’
λ̣ο̣ι̣παζομένην πρὸς τὴν ὑποτεταγμένην γνῶ[σ]ι[ν - ca.11 -]τ( )
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- v
—— Κόρρα βε(ν) Σζερὶχ σύμβουλο(ς) Βασιλείῳ διοικ(ητῇ) κώμ’(ης) Ἀφρ(οδιτώ).
μ(ηνὸς) Φαῶφ[ι ̣ ̣] ἰ(ν)[δ(ικτίονος)] ἠ[ν]ήχ(*)(θη) δ(ιὰ) Ἀβδελλ(α) υἱο(ῦ) Νάφε (πε)ρ(ὶ) ὑ̣π̣[ο]λοίπ(ων) στίχων.
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APIS Translation (English)
Regarding arrears in different assessments from Aphrodito. (Arabic: To the head of Isqoh. . . .) In the name of God. Kurrah ben Sharik, the governor, to Basilius the pagarch, of kome Aphrodito. We give thanks to God. And in addition, after reviewing the requisition notices of your district, which were issued through our orders (entagia) during the eighth indiction on account of different land taxes and others we discovered that your district is in arrears consistent with the list attached below. . . . Verso: Kurrah ben Sharik the governor to Basilius the pagarch of kome Aphrodito. On the ? of the month of Phaophi in the ? indiction this was delivered by Abdella, son of Naphe, concerning arrears in taxes.