DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.1.96 [xml]
AD 180 Oxyrhynchus
Διογένης ὁ σὺν ἄλ(λοις(?))(*) ἐπιτη(ρητὴς)(*)
ἐνκυκλ[ίου] κα (ἔτους) Ἡρώδῃ
καὶ μετόχ(οις) δημ(οσίοις) τραπ(εζίταις)
5χαίρειν. δέξασ[θ]ε
παρὰ Χαιρημονί-
δος Ἀπολλωνίου τοῦ
Ἡρακλείδου μητ(ρὸς)
Ἀμμωναρίου ἀπʼ Ὀ-
10ξυρύγ(χων) πόλ(εως) τέλ(ος) δούλ(ου)
Πλουτίωνος, οὗ ἠ-
γόρασεν παρὰ Ἀσ-
κληπιάδου τοῦ κ(αὶ)
Ἀπίωνος Ἀπίωνος
15τοῦ Ἀσκληπιάδου
μητ(ρὸς) Ἀσκλεταρίου
Θέωνος ἀπὸ τῆς α(ὐτῆς)
πόλ(εως) διὰ τοῦ ἐν τῇ α(ὐτῇ)
πόλει ἀγορανομείο(υ)(*)
20τῷ ἐνεστ(ῶτι) μηνὶ Ἀθύρ,
(δραχμὰς) νβ. (ἔτους) κα
Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου
Κομμόδου Ἀντωνίνου
Καίσαρος τοῦ κυρίου,
25Ἀθὺρ θ. Διογένης
ὁ σὺν ἄλ(λοις(?))(*) ἐπὶ τ(ῆς) ἐνκυκλ(ίου)
δέξ[ασ]θε τὰς (δραχμὰς) νβ.
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HGV 20755 Translation (English) [xml]
(Translation: from P.Oxy. 1) Diogenes, contractor for the tax on sales for the 21st year, to Herodes and his partners, public bankers, greeting. Receive from Chaeremonis, daughter of Apollonius, son of Heracleides, her mother being Ammonarion, of Oxyrhynchus, the tax on a slave named Plution, whom she bought from Asclepiades, also called Apion, son of Apion, son of Asclepiades, his mother being Ascletarion, daughter of Theon, also of Oxyrhynchus, through the office of the agoranomi at Oxyrhynchus, in the present month Athyr, namely 52 drachmae.