sign in

p.oslo.2.57 = HGV P.Oslo 2 57 = Trismegistos 21526 = oslo.apis.29

DDbDP transcription: p.oslo.2.57 [xml]

AD 244- ?

Νίννος Εἰρηναίῳ καὶ Νερ̣[ῇ καὶ Θεοδώρῳ χαίρειν.]
ἐκ τῶν ἐπισταλέντων μ̣[οι παρὰ Εἰρη-]
ναίου διὰ τῶν ποταμιτῶ̣[ν γραμμάτων περὶ τῶν με(?)-]
τρων ἐγνώσθη ἀπηρ[γάσθαι](*) [- ca.10 -]
5ναύβια ἐνενήκοντα καὶ [- ca.17 - ἃ]
σὺ ἀνεδέξω μετὰ τὸ αἱρο[ῦν σοι μέρος καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν]
ἄλλων ἀπαιτῆσαι καὶ ε̣[- ca.16 - αὐ-]
τοὺς ἀνελθεῖν ἀπαιτ  ̣[- ca.13 - με-]
ταβεβληκέναι ⟦αὐτοῖς̣⟧ τοῖς [- ca.16 -]
10[το]ὺς μισθοὺς, ἐπε̣[ι]δ̣ὴ τοῦ τ̣[- ca.16 -]
[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Εἰρηναίῳ κ̣αὶ Ν̣ερῇ καὶ


^ v.4. απηρ[τίσθαι ] prev. ed.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

From Ninnos to Eirenaios, Neres and Theodoros. Greetings! From the letter sent to me by Eirenaios through the workers employed by the Nile concervancy (concerning the transportation expenses?) I have been informed that ninety naubia (cubits) of labour have been carried out and ... (which) you (i.e. Eirenaios) undertook (to carry out) in addition to the due sum and to require from the others and ... to sail upstream ... have paid (?) to the ... the salary, because ...