DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.9.1185 [xml]
ca. AD 200 Oxyrhynchus
⟦μα̣γ̣ν̣ι̣ο̣ς̣⟧ Μαγνίῳ Φήλικει(*) Κρησκεντιλλια-
νῷ ἐπάρχῳ Αἰγύπτου δέησεις(*) παρὰ
Μάγνιος Φῆλιξ στρατηγοῖς Ἑπτὰ νομῶν χαίρειν.
Ἀμμωνίωνος τοῦ καὶ καὶ κακ ̣
5τ̣ὰς περὶ τῶν γυμνασιαρχιῶν καὶ ἀγορανομιῶν
ἐφέσις(*) τοῖς κρατίστοις ἐπιστρατήγοις ἀπένειμα καὶ
περὶ τούτου διάταγμα προυτέθη(*) ἐπὶ τῆς λαμπρο-
τάτης Ἀλεξανδρείας. κ̣ο̣ν̣δ̣ύ̣[λ]ους αὐτῷ δείδου(*).
κ̣α̣κ καὶ
10 ̣ον παῖδα τὸν μεικρὸν(*) δεῖ ἄρτον ἐσθί\ε/ιν,
ἅλας ἐπιτρώγειν, ὀψαρίου μὴ θινγάνειν(*),
ἂν δὲ καὶ οἶνον αἰτῇ, κονδύλους αὐτῷ δείδι(*).
χαῖρε, κυρία μου Διωγενίς, Ἀμμωνίων σε π̣ρ̣ο̣σ̣- v
Μάγνιος Φῆλ[ι]ξ στρατηγοῖς
15Ἑπτὰ νομῶν καὶ Ἀρσινο-
ίτου χαίρειν. γεινωκσιν(*)
ὑμᾶς θέλω ὅτι τὸ μὲν
ἀργύριον τῆς καλου-
μένης ὀκταδράχμου
20συεχώρησαν(*) ἡμεῖν(*)
οἱ θειότατοι βασιλεῖς καὶ
οὐκέτι οὐδὲν ἀποδείδοτε(*)
μέχρι τούτου.
—— εἰ οὖν οἱ ἑκα-
ντοντάρχα̣ι(*) μέχρ[ι] πολ-
25λοῦ ἐν τοῖς τόποις ὑμῶν
εἰσίν, ἐν τάχει παραγεινέσθω-
σαν ἐν τῇ λ[α]μπροτάτῃ
Ἀλεξανδρέων πόλει καὶ
τὴν τοῦ βασιλέως ἑορτὴν
30ἐπιτελείτωσαν. εἰ δὲ μή γε, ὃ̣ς̣ ἂν
ἀπειθήσει(*) τούτῳ μου τῷ διατά-
^ r.1. l. Φήλικι
^ r.2. l. δέησις
^ r.6. l. ἐφέσεις
^ r.7. l. προετέθη
^ r.8. l. δίδει, cf. BL 6.100 : δίδου prev. ed.
^ r.10. l. μικρὸν
^ r.11. l. θιγγάνειν
^ r.12. l. δίδει, BL 6.100 : δίδου prev. ed.
^ v.16. l. γιγνώσκειν
^ v.20. l. συ<ν>εχώρησαν
^ v.20. l. ἡμῖν
^ v.22. l. ἀποδίδοτε
^ v.23-24. l. ἑκα |τοντάρχαι
^ v.31. l. ἀπειθήσῃ
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HGV 21573 Translation (English) [xml]
(Translation: from P.Oxy. 9) To Magnius Felix Crescentillianus, praefect of Egypt, supplication from Ammonion also called... Magnius Felix to the strategi of the Heptanomia, greeting. I have assigned to the most high epistrategi the appeals concerning the offices of gymnasiarch and agoranomus, and an edict has been published concerning this in the most illustrious city of Alexandria. A little boy must eat bread, nibble besides some salt, and not touch the sauce; but if he asks for wine, give him your knuckles. Greeting, lady Diogenis, I, Ammonion, address you. Magnius Felix to the strategi of the Heptanomia and the Arsinoite nome, greeting. I would have you know that the most divine sovereigns granted to me the money from the so-called eight-drachma tax, and you have not yet up to the present made any payment. If then the centurions are in your districts for long, let them attend with speed at the most illustrious city of the Alexandrians and celebrate thefestivalofthesovereign. Otherwise, if any one disobeys this my order...