DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.12.1411 [xml]
AD 260 Oxyrhynchus
στρατηγ\ὸς/(*) Ὀξυρυγχείτου. τῶν δημοσίων εἰς
ἓν συναχθέντων καὶ αἰτιασαμένων
τοὺς τῶν κολλυβιστικῶν τραπεζῶν
5τραπεζείτας(*) ὡς ταύτας ἀποκλεισαν-
τ̣[ω]ν(*) τῷ μὴ βούλεσθαι προσ\σ/ίεσθαι(*)
τὸ θεῖον τῶν Σεβαστῶν νόμισμα, ἀ[νάγ-]
κη γεγένηται παραγγέλματι π[αραγ-]
γελῆναι πᾶσ\ε̣/ι(*) τοῖς τὰς τραπέζας κεκτ[ημέ-]
10ν[οι]ς ταύτας ἀνοῖξαι καὶ πᾶν(*) ⟦π⟧ νόμι-
σ[μ]α προσίεσθαι πλὴν μάλ̣ι̣σ̣[τα]
παρατύπου καὶ κιβδήλου καὶ κατακ̣[ερμα-]
τίζειν, οὐ μόνοις δὲ αὐτοῖς ἀλλὰ [τοῖς]
καθʼ ὅντινα δὴ τρόπον τὰς συνα[λλα-]
15γὰς ποιουμένοις, γεινώσκουσι̣[ν](*)
ὡς, εἰ μὴ πειθαρχήσιαν(*) τῇδε τ[ῇ παρ-]
αγγελίᾳ, πειραθήσοντ\αι/(*) ὧν τὸ [μέ-]
γεθος τῆς ἡγεμονίας καὶ ἔτι ἄνω[θεν]
ἐπʼ αὐτοῖς γενέσθαι(*) πρ[οσ-]
20έτ̣αξεν. ἐσημειωσάμην(*). ἔτου[ς πρώ-]
τ̣ο̣[υ] Ἁθὺρ(*) \ὀ/γδόη(*) καὶ(*) εἰκὰς(*).
^ 1. corr. ex αυρηλι⟦ω⟧
^ 1. corr. ex πτολεμαι⟦ω⟧
^ 1. corr. ex ⟦τω⟧
^ 1. corr. ex νεμεσιαν⟦ω⟧
^ 2. corr. ex στρατηγ⟦ω⟧
^ 5. l. τραπεζίτας
^ 5-6. l. ἀποκλεισάν |τας
^ 6. l. προσίεσθαι
^ 9. l. πᾶσι
^ 10. corr. ex π⟦λ̣η⟧
^ 15. l. γινώσκουσι̣[ν]
^ 16. corr. ex
^ 16. l. πειθαρχήσειαν
^ 17. corr. ex πειραθησοντ⟦ε⟧
^ 19. corr. ex ⟦τομε⟧
^ 20. corr. ex
^ 21. corr. ex αθυρ⟦ι⟧
^ 21. corr. ex ⟦ω⟧
^ 21. corr. ex κ⟦ει⟧
^ 21. l. εἰκάδι
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HGV 21821 Translation (English) [xml]
(Translation: from P.Oxy. 12) From Aurelius Ptolemaeus also called Nemesianus, strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome. Since the officials have assembled and accused the bankers of the banks of exchange of having closed them on account of their unwillingness to accept the divine coin of the Emperors, it has become necessary that an injunction should be issued to all the owners of the banks to open them, and to accept and exchange all coin except the absolutely spurious and counterfeit, and not to them only, but to all who engage in business transactions of any kind whatever, knowing that if they disobey this injunction they will experience the penalties already ordained for them in the past by his highness the praefect. Signed by me. The 1st year, Hathur 28.