DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.12.1458 [xml]
AD 216-17 Oxyrhynchus
Αὐρηλίωι̣ Ἀ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ν̣ι̣ βασιλ(ικῷ) γρα(μματεῖ) Ἀθριβ(ίτου)
Αὐρήλιος Αἰλ[ου]ρίων ἔναρ-
χος κ[οσ]μητὴς βουλ(ευτὴς) τῆς
Ἀθριβιτῶν πόλεως, πρὶν δ[ὲ]
5τυχῖν(*) τῆς Ῥωμαίων πολιτεί-
ας Αἰλουρίων Ζωίλου Νε[ο-]
κόσμι[ος] ὁ καὶ Ἀλθαιεύς. ἀπ[ε-]
γρα(ψάμην) τῷ διεληλυθότι κδ (ἔτει) ἐ[πὶ]
τῆς μητροπόλεως πρ[όβ(ατα) ξ,]
10[ἄ]ρρ(ενα) ζ, θηλ(υκὰ) γ[ ̣,]
[αἶ]γα α, ὑποτιθ(*) β̣[ ̣,]
κα (ἔτει) πρόβ(ατα) ιθ, αἶγα α,
(γίνονται) πρόβ(ατα) ἑβδομήκοντ[α]
ἐννέα , αἶγες δύο ,
15ὧν πρόβ(ατα) ἄρρ(ενα) ιϛ, θηλ(υκὰ) ϛ[γ,]
αἶγες β. ἐξ ὧν
διεφθάρη πρόβ(ατα) ἄρ[ρ](ενα) [ ̣,]
[θη]λ̣(υκὰ) ι̣α̣, [- ca.10 -]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- v
Traces 10 lines
00Ἁρθῶνις, Δημητροῦς, Κεφαλοῦς
00[Ὀξυρύ]γχ(ων) πόλ( ) ἐκ τοῦ Νεικάν[ κλήρ]ου
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HGV 21859 Translation (English) [xml]
(Translation: from P.Oxy. 12) To Aurelius ..., basilicogrammateus of the Athribite nome, from Aurelius Aelurion, cosmetes in office and senator of Athribis, before he received Roman citizenship called Aelurion son of Zoïlus, of the Neocosmian tribe and Althaean deme. I registered in the past 24th year at the metropolis 60 sheep, 7 male, 3[.] female, 1 goat, 2[.] lambs, in the 21st year 19 sheep, 1 goat, total 79 sheep, 2 goats, of which 16 are male, 63 female, 2 goats. Out of these there have perished .. male, 11 female ...