DDbDP transcription: sb.20.14301 [xml]
AD 326 Oxyrhynchos
[Reprinted from: .] P.Col. 10.287
[ὑπατείας τῶν δεσπο]τῶν̣ ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίνου
[Αὐγούστου τὸ ζ καὶ Κωνστ]αντίου̣ τοῦ ἐπιφανεστ̣άτ[ου]
[ vac. ? Καίσαρος τ]ὸ̣ α (ἔτους)
[Φλαουίῳ Διονυσίῳ ἀπὸ] (ἑκατονταρχῶν) τάξεως καθολικ̣ότητος
5[Αὐρήλιος Στέφανος Εὐπ]ό̣ρου ἄρξ(ας) βου(λευτὴς) τῆς̣ λαμ(πρᾶς) κ̣αὶ̣ λαμ(προτάτης)
[Ὀξυρυγχιτῶν πόλεω]ς χαίρειν· ὁμολογῶ̣ ἐσχη̣κ̣έ̣ν̣αι κ̣α̣ὶ
[παραμεμετρῆσθαι π]α̣ρ̣ὰ σοῦ ἐν χρήσι(*) ἐ̣ξ οἴκου σου πυροῦ
[μέτρῳ δεκάτῳ κεφαλαίο]υ̣ σὺν ἡμιολειας(*) ἀρ̣τ̣άβας ἐν̣ε̣ν̣ή̣κο(ντα),
[(ἀρτάβαι) ϙ, ὅνπερ πυρὸ]ν νέ̣ο̣ν κα[θ]αρὸν̣ ἄ̣δολον ἄκριθον
10[κεκοσκινευμένον μέτ]ρ̣ῳ ᾧ καὶ παρίλ̣ηφα(*) ἐφʼ οὗ τόπου
[τὴν παραμέτρησιν π]εποίημαι ἐπάναγκ̣[ες ἀποδ]ώσω σοι
[τῷ Ἐπεὶφ μηνὶ τοῦ ἐν]εστῶτος ἔτους κα ((s-etous)) [ια ((s-etous)) γ ((s-etous)) ] ἄνευ
[πάσης ὑπερθέσεως ἢ εὑ]ρ̣η̣σιλογείας(*), εἰ δὲ μ̣[ή, ἐκτί]σ̣ιν(*)
[σοι τοῦ ὑπερπεσόντος χρό]ν̣ου ἑκάστης ἀρτ[άβης διά]φ̣ο̣ρον
15[ἐξ ἡμιολίας, γινομένης σοι τῆς πράξεως παρά τ]ε̣ αἰ-
[μοῦ](*)[ καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων μοι πάντων. κύριον τὸ] χ̣[ει-]
[ρόγραφον δισσὸν γραφὲν πανταχοῦ ἐπιφερόμενον κ]αὶ π̣α̣(ντὶ)
[τῷ ὑπὲρ σοῦ ἐπιφέροντι καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολ]ό̣[γη]σ̣α̣.
[ὑπατείας τῆς προκειμένης, Θὼθ] κ̣β̣. 2
20[ὑ]πα̣τ̣είας τῶν δεσπο̣[τ]ῶν ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίνου Ἀγούστου(*)
τ̣ὸ ζ κα̣ὶ̣ Κωνσταντίου τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ ἐπιφανεστάτου Καίσαρος τὸ α (ἔτος)
Φ̣λαυίῳ Διο[ν]υσίῳ ἀπ̣ὸ̣ (ἑκατονταρχῶν) τάξεως καθολικότητος
Αὐρήλιος Στέφανος Εὐπόρου ἄρξ(ας) βου(λευτὴς) τῆς λαμ(πρᾶς) καὶ λαμ(προτάτης)
Ὀξυρυγ̣χιτῶν πόλεω̣ς χαίρειν· ὁμολογῶ ἐσχηκέναι καὶ
25παραμε[μ]αιτρῖσ̣θαι(*) π̣[α]ρὰ σοῦ ἐν χρ̣ήσι(*) ἐξ <οἴκ>ου σου πυροῦ
μέτρῳ δ̣ε̣κάτῳ̣ κεφαλέου(*) σὺν ἡμιολειας(*) ἀρτά̣βας ἐνενή-
κοντα, (ἀρτάβαι) ϙ, ὅνπ̣ερ πυ̣ρ̣ὸ̣ν ν̣[έ]ο̣ν̣ καθαρὸν ἄδολον ἄ-
κριθον κεκο̣[σ]κ̣ινευμ̣ένον̣ μ̣έτρ̣ῳ̣ [ᾧ κ]αὶ παρί[λ]ηφα(*) ἐφʼ οὗ
τόπου τὴν π̣αραμέτ̣ρ̣ησιν πεποίημαι ἐπαν̣ά̣γ[κε]ς ἀπο-
30δώσω σοι τῷ Ἐπεὶφ μη(νὶ) το̣ῦ ἐνεσ̣τ̣[ῶ]τ̣ο̣ς̣ ἔτου[ς] κ̣α̣ ((s-etous)) ια ((s-etous)) γ ((s-etous))
ἄνευ πάσης ὑπερθέσε̣ω̣ς καὶ εὑ̣ρησ̣ι̣λ̣ο̣γ̣είας(*), ε̣ἰ δὲ [μή], ἐ̣κ[τ]ι̣σ̣ι̣(*)
σοι τοῦ ὑπερπαισ[ό]ν̣τ̣ο̣ς̣(*) χ̣ρόνου̣ ἑκάστης ἀρτ̣ά̣βη[ς δ]ιάφο̣ρ̣ο̣(ν)
ἐ̣[ξ] ἡ̣μ̣ι̣ο̣[λίας, γ]ει[ν]ο̣μένης(*) σοι τῆς πρ̣ά̣ξε̣ως παρά τε αἰμοῦ(*)
κ̣[αὶ ἐ]κ τῶν ὑ̣π̣α̣ρ̣χ̣ό̣ν̣των μοι πάντων. κύριον τὸ χιρό-
35γ̣ρ̣α̣φον(*) δισσὸν γ̣ραφὲν πανταχοῦ ἐπιφερόμενον καὶ παντὶ
τῷ ὑπὲρ σοῦ ἐπι̣φέροντι καὶ ἐ̣περωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα.
ὑ̣π̣α̣τ̣ε̣[ί]α̣ς τῆς π̣ρ̣ο̣κ̣(ειμένης), Θὼθ κβ.
^ 1.7. l. χρήσει
^ 1.8. l. ἡμιολίᾳ
^ 1.10. l. παρείληφα
^ 1.13. l. [εὑ]ρησιλογίας
^ 1.13. l. [ἐκτεί]σειν
^ 1.15-16. l. ἐ |[μοῦ]
^ 2.20. l. Αὐγούστου
^ 2.25. l. παραμεμετρῆσθαι
^ 2.25. l. χρήσει
^ 2.26. l. κεφαλαίου
^ 2.26. l. ἡμιολίᾳ
^ 2.28. l. παρείληφα
^ 2.31. l. εὑρησιλογίας
^ 2.31. l. ἐκτείσειν
^ 2.32. l. ὑπερπεσόντος
^ 2.33. l. [γ]ινομένης
^ 2.33. l. ἐμοῦ
^ 2.34-35. l. χειρό |γραφον
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: p.col.10.287 [xml]
AD 326 Oxyrhynchus
[Reprinted in: .] SB 20.14301
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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APIS Translation (English)
In the consulate of our masters Constantinus Augustus for the seventh time and Constantius the most illustrious Caesar for the first time, to Flavius Dionysios, former centurion of the staff of the rationalis, from Aurelius Stephanos son of Euporos, former archon, councillor of the glorious and most glorious city of the Oxyrhynchites, greeting. I acknowledge that I have received and have had measured out from you, on loan, from your house, ninety (90) artabas of wheat, the principal including the additional half, (measured) by the tenth measure, which wheat new, clean, without dirt or barley, sifted, using the measure with which I received it, at the place where I had it measured out to me, I shall perforce repay you without delay or excuse in the month of Epeiph of the present year 21 and 11 and 3. If not, I shall pay you a penalty at the rate of fifty percent on each artaba for the excess time, and you retain the right of execution on me and all of my possessions of whatever kind. This contract, written in duplicate, is normative wherever it may be produced and for whoever produces it on your behalf. After having been questioned, I consented. During the aforesaid consulate, Thoth 22.