DDbDP transcription: sb.8.9834a [xml]
III spc ?
[ -ca.?- ]τ̣α δύο δραχμὰς [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ] vac. ? [ -ca.?- ]
[ -ca.?- ἐν] εἴδεσι ἅπερ ἐστὶν λ̣[υ]τ̣ρ[ -ca.?- ]
μετ̣[ ̣ ̣] χαλ[κ]ωματί̣ων ὡς πρόκειτα[ι -ca.?- ]
5ζεῦγο[ς ψ]ελ̣ί̣ω̣ν καὶ ζεῦγος φιαλῶν κ̣[αὶ ζεῦγος]
προδοψέλων καὶ κάθεμα καὶ λογχ[άριον καὶ]
Ἀφροδείτην Θέωνος.
ἐπληρώθη ὁ τόκος ἕ̣ω̣ς Παῦνι δ (ἔτους) τοῦ προκειμ(ένου) κεφ[αλαίου].
(ἔτους) ζ Τῦβ[ι.] ἐλυτρώθη τὰ χαλκωμάτια τοῦ Κλα[υδίου(?)]
10Σεουήρου ὅτε ἡ ἀπογραφὴ ἐγείνετο τῶν αὐτοῦ [χρημάτων (?) -ca.?- ]
δοκωμένου τοῦ οὐσιακοῦ καὶ μετεβλήθη ὑ[πὲρ τοῦ]
τόκου το[ῦ] σ̣υ̣μ̣βολείου(*) ἀπὸ Ἐπεὶφ δ (ἔτους) ἕως Τῦ[βι ζ (ἔτους)]
μηνῶν λα ὡς τοῦ μηνὸς ἐκ (δραχμῶν) ρι (δραχμὰς) Γυι [καὶ ὑπὲρ τοῦ]
κεφαλαίου (τάλαντον) α (δραχμὰς) Εχ καὶ παρὰ Θέωνος [ὑπὲρ τῆς λυ-]
15τρώσεως Ἀφροδείτης αὐτοῦ (δραχμὰς) υ, γείν[ονται ὑπὲρ]
τόκου καὶ κεφαλ(αίου) (τάλαντα) β (δραχμαὶ) Γυι. λοιπα[ -ca.?- ]
δραχμα[ὶ] τετρακισχίλιαι ἑξακόσιαι . [ -ca.?- ]
ἐπὶ τοῖς λοιποῖς ἐνεχύροις ὧν [ -ca.?- ]
ζεῦγος ψελίων ζεῦγος φιαλ[ῶν ζεῦγος]
20ποδοψέλων κάθεμα λογχά[ριον -ca.?- ]
ἄλλος ποτηροπλύτης παρεδόθ[η -ca.?- ]
(ἔτους) η Παχὼν κβ ἔσχεν Κύριλ[λος -ca.?- ]
καὶ ἀντέδωκεν ζεῦγος κυάθων [ -ca.?- ]
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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APIS Translation (English)
". . . remaining two talents drachmas . . . of various kinds, which are [after the redemption?] of the bronze vessels as aforesaid, [the remaining bronze vessels?], a pair of armlets and a pair of cups and a pair of anklets and a necklace and a spearshaped ornament and an Aphrodte of Theon.;The interest has been paid up to Pauni of the 4th year on the aforesaid capital sum.;Year 7, Tybi? The bronze vessels of Claudius (?) Severus were redeemed when the report of his [property ?] was made . . . and payment was made for the interest on the bond from Epeiph of the 4th year to Tybi [of the 7th year], a period of 31 months, at the rate of 110 drachmas per month, a total 3,410 drachmas, and for the principal 1 talent 5,600 drachmas , and from Theon for the recemption of his Aphrodite 400 drachmas, amounting to 2 talents 3,410 drachmas for principal and interest. The remaining . . . four thousand six hundred drachmas, in total . . talents, 4,600 drachmas [are secured] by the remaining pledges, which are . . . a pair of armlets, a pair of cups, a pair of anklets, a necklace, a spearshaped ornament. Another cupboard was given in addition . . .;Year 8, Pachon 22. Kyrillos has received . . . and has given in return a pair of ladles . . ."