DDbDP transcription: o.leid.379 [xml]
AD 11 Thebes?
τὴν̣ ἐν̣ Διὸς πόλ̣ε̣ι̣ τ̣ῇ̣ τ̣ῇ̣ μ̣ε̣-
γ̣ά̣λ̣ῃ̣ δ̣η̣μ̣ο̣σ̣ί̣α̣ν̣(*) τράπ(εζαν)
Σωτὴρ Καμήτιος καὶ
5ἀδελ(φοὶ) ὑπὲρ οἰνικῆς λογ(είας) λθ (ἔτους(?))
Καίσαρος ἀργ(υρίου) δραχμὰς τρι-
άκοντα ἕξ, (γίνονται) (δραχμαὶ) λϛ. (ἔτους) μ Καίσαρος
Τῦβι ιδ. Κέφαλος Ἐπικρ(άτους).
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APIS Translation (English)
Greek Ostraka, p. 166 (English) Soter son of Kametis and his brothers have paid to the bank in Diospolis Magna (which Kephalos is in charge of?) for the wine collection of the 39th year of Caesar, thirty-six drachmas of silver, that is, 36 dr. Year 40 of Caesar, Tybi 14. Kephalos son of Epikrates.