DDbDP transcription: p.petr.kleon.17 [xml]
257 BC Gurob < Philadelphia
[Reprinted from: .] P.Petr. 2 13 5
[Reprinted from: p.zen.pestm.C] P.Zen. Pestm. C
στεί̣λη̣ι̣ς π[λή]ρωμα(*) ὃ κατασκ[ευ]ᾶι(*) τοὺς ἀγκῶνας τῆς μικρᾶς διώρυγος. σὺ δὲ φαίνει
π̣α̣ρ̣ε̣λ̣η̣λυθέναι εἰς τὴν Μικρὰ[ν] Λίμνην. οὐ̣κ ἔδει μὲν οὖν σε π[α]ραπορεύεσθαι, ἀλλὰ καὶ
πρὸς ἡμᾶς παραβαλεῖν ὥρ[α]ς̣ μόρι̣ο̣ν καὶ τεθεαμένον σε μὴ βρεχομένην τὴν̣ γ̣ῆν, ἐπερωτῆσαι
5[δι]ὰ̣ τίνʼ αἰτίαν οὐ βρέχ[ο]μ̣εν. οὐ γὰ[ρ] μόνον τέταξαι(*) τὴν Μικρὰν Λίμνην ἀρχιτεκτο̣νεῖν
[ἀλλὰ] καὶ ταύτην. ἔ̣τι ο̣ὖ̣ν κα̣[ὶ] ν̣ῦ[ν](*) σ̣υ̣νάντησον(*) ἡμῖν αὔριον ἐπὶ τ̣ὴν ἄφ[ε]σ̣ιν καὶ ἀρχιτεκ<τ>ό-
[νη]σ̣ο̣[ν](*) ὡς δεῖ τὸ ὕδωρ ἀ̣γκ̣ω̣[νίζειν·](*)[ἡμεῖς γὰρ] ἄπειροί ἐσμεν(*). σώματ̣α̣ δ̣ὲ̣ κ̣α̣[ὶ] τὴν λοιπὴν(*)
[χ]ορηγίαν ἡμεῖς παρέξομέν σοι, ὅ[ση]ν ἂν συντάσσηις. ἐὰν δὲ μὴ παραγένηι, ἀναγκασθησόμεθα
[γ]ράφειν Ἀπολλωνίωι ὅτι μονωτά̣τ̣η̣(*) ἡ αὐτοῦ γ̣ῆ ἐν τῆι Λίμνηι ἄβροχός ἐστιν, ἡμῶν βουλο-
10μένων πᾶσαν χορηγίαν παρέχειν.
ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) κθ Μεσορὴ κα.
^ 1. Wilcken : ἀπέστειλα μέν Mahaffy
^ 1. Edgar : κβ Mahaffy
^ 1-2. ἀπο |στέλ[λ]ωμ[εν σ]ῶμα Wilcken : ἀπο |στε[ί]λ̣[ηι]ς π̣[λή]ρ̣ωμα Edgar (P.Cair. Zen. II, p.106)
^ 2. Edgar (P.Cair. Zen. II, p.106) : κατασκ[άψ]ε̣ι Mayser (Grammatik II.1, p.295) : κατασκ[άψ]αι Wilcken : κατασκ[άψ]η̣ι̣ Edgar (ASAE 19 (1920), p.14 n.1) : κατασκ[ ̣ ̣ ̣]αι Mahaffy
^ 5. Wilcken : ἀπ[ηρμ]ένον τέταξαι Mahaffy : σπα[ργαό]μενον τέταξαι Revillout : οὔπ[ω ̣ ̣] ̣ ονον τέταξαι Smyly
^ 6. Edgar (ASAE 19 (1920), p.14) : καὶ ταύτην [αἰτ]ίαν κα[ταλύε]ιν Mahaffy
^ 6. Edgar (ASAE 19 (1920), p.14) : ἀντίασον Mahaffy : ἄντησον Wilcken
^ 6-7. Edgar (P.Mich. I, p.26) : ἐπι[ -ca.?- ]λας [ἡμῖν] καὶ ἀρχιτέκο[σιν] Mahaffy : ἐπίσ[τει]λας ἡμῖν καὶ ἀρχιτέκ<τ>ονας Revillout : ἐπὶ τ[ὸ] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ιν καὶ ἀρχιτεκ<τ>ονεῖν Wilcken
^ 7. ἀγκω[νίζειν] Edgar (P.Mich. I, p.26 n.1) : ἀπ[ -ca.?- ] Mahaffy : ἀνα[ληψόμενος οὐ ἡμεῖς] Revillout
^ 7. [ἡ̔μεῖς γὰρ] supplevit Smyly : ἄπειροί ἐσμεν Mahaffy : [ἡμεῖς] ἄπειροί ἐσμεν Revillout
^ 7. Smyly : σώμ[ατα ̣ ̣ ̣ τ]ὴν λοιπὴν Mahaffy : σωμ[άτων πάσ]ην λοιπὴν Revillout
^ 9. μόνω[ι ἐπί σ]οι Wilcken (APF 8 (1927), p.278) : μονωτάτη Edgar (P.Cair. Zen. II, p.26 n.1) : μονω[θεῖσα] Rostovtzeff (Large Estate, p.67) : μονω[ -ca.?- ] Mahaffy
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HGV 2492 Translation (English) [xml]
1 Panakestor to Kleon, greetings. We have already sent you (a letter) on the 29th also, asking you to send out a crew to construct the bends of the small canal. You seem to have passed by, however, on your way to the Little Lake. You should not have paid by, though, but rather have come along to us for a moment and, having seen for yourself that the land is not being irrigated, you should have asked for what reason we do not irrigate. 5 For you have not been appointed to supervise only the works (at the) Little Lake, but also those at this (land). Even now, come to meet us tomorrow at the sluice and give instructions on how the water is to be conducted into side channels, for we lack experience. We will provide you with workmen and other supplies, as much as you order. 8 If, however, you do not come, we will be compelled to write to Apollonios that his land alone in the Lake district is uninundated, even though we were willing to provide all that is needed. Farewell. Year 29, Mesore 21. (Translation: B. Van Beek in P.Petr.Kleon, p. 56, © Peeters)