DDbDP transcription: p.wisc.2.73 [xml]
II spc Oxyrhynchite
Δίδυμος Ἡφαιστίωνι τῶι
κυρίῳ μου ἀδελφῶι χαίρειν.
ὡς ὁ κάλ̣λ̣ι̣στος ἡμῶν ἀδελφὸς
Φαβάνων σοι γράφει ἁδρῶς ἐχάρη-
5μεν καὶ ἑωρτὴν(*) ἤξαμεν λαβόν-
τες σου τὸ ἐπιστόλιον. οἱ οὖν
ἡμῶν πάντες ἔρρωνται καὶ
πλεῖον ἴ̣σ̣χυκαν λανβόντες(*) σου τὰ
γράμμα̣τ̣α. ἀνόκνως οὖν τοῦ-
10το ποίει εἰδὼς ὅτι ἡ προσδοκία̣
ἡμῶν ἐστιν αὕτη. ἔγραψέ σοι πε-
ρὶ πάντων Φα̣βάνων καὶ περὶ τῶν
ὀσπρ̣ειδίων(*). περὶ τούτου οὐδὲν
ετελεσθαι(*). τὴν γὰρ ἀτιμίαν Θέ-
15ων σοι κατʼ ὄψιν λαλήσει.
τα̣χ̣έ̣ω̣ς̣ οὖν σπεῦσον, ὡς ἔ-
γραψας, πρὸς ἡμᾶς γενέσται(*).
ἀσπάζονταί σε οἱ ἐν οἴκωι
πάντες. Θερμούθι κιθῶ-
20να(*) ἀγό̣ρασ̣ο̣ν. γυμν̣ή̣ ἐ̣στιν.
κόμισαι τὴν σύνθεσιν πα-
ρὰ Θέωνος τοῦ τιμιωτάτου.
ἐρρῶσ(θαι), κύριε, εὔχο(μαι), χρηστέ. v
Ἡφαιστίωνι γραμματῖ(*) Φιλονείκου(*) ☓ στρατηγοῦ Ὀξυρυγχείτου
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APIS Translation (English)
Didymos to Hephaistion my lord brother greetings. As our very good brother Phabanon writes to you we very much rejoiced and had a party when we reveived your letter. All our people are well and even more so after they received your letter. Therefore do it without delay knowing that this is our expectation. Phabanon wrote to you about everything also about the mixed produce. Nothing has been done about that because Theon will tell you in person how cheap it is. Hurry quickly and come to us as you wrote. All the persons in the house greet you. Buy a tunic for Thermuthis, she has nothing to put on. Receive the suit from theon the most honoured. I pray for your good health, worthy lord.;To Hephaistion, secretary of Philonikos, strategos of the Oxyrhynchite nome.