Medical recipes. Fragment (11 x 7.5 cm) of a papyrus roll broken on the upper and left sides written along the fibers (verso is blank). Upper margin 1.5 cm; right margin 1 cm; lower margin 5.2 cm. The text contains two recipes: the first one is an ἀχάριστον kollyrium (see Youtie 1983, 229-30); the second a kollyrion with nard (for similar remedies in medical authors, see e.g. Gal. 4.7 [12.755-7 K]; Orib. Syn. 3.130 [CMG 6.3, 101.1-3 Raed.]; Paul. Aeg. 7.16.25 [CMG 9.2, 340.1-4 Heib.]). The script is a neat book-hand with cursive traits assignable to the 2nd - 3rd cent. AD.
DCLP transcription: 26761 [xml]
[κεκαυμέν]ης(*) (δραχμαί) ιβ χαλκο[ῦ] κ̣[εκα]υ̣[μέ-]
[νου (δραχμ- ) ̣ ζμύ]ρνης(*) (δραχμαί) δ [ἐ]ρίκης κ̣αρ̣[πο]ῦ̣(*)
[(δραχμαί) ̣ ἀκα]κίας (δραχμαί) ις ὀπ[ί]ου (δραχμαί) δ κόμ<μ>εως(*)
5[(δραχμαί) ̣ ἥμι]σ̣υ.(*) ἡ χρῆσ[ι]ς μεθ’ὕδατος.
[ vac. ? κολ]λύριον τὸ νάρδινον πρὸς
[τας φλε]γμονὰς(*) καὶ διαθέσεις
[ -ca.?- χ]αλκοῦ κεκαυμένου (δραχμαί) ιδ
[ -ca.?- λ]υκίου(*) (δραχμαί) δ κ[α]στορίου (δραχμαί) β χαλ-
10[κίτεως](*) [(δραχμαί)] β ζμύρνης (δραχμαί) δ ψιμιθείου(*)
[(δραχμαί) -ca.?- ο]υ (δραχμή) α(*) ἀλόης (δραχμή) α ἀκακί[ας] (δραχμαί) μ
[ -ca.?- (δραχμαί)](*) οβ
^ 1. [ -ca.?- ] ̣ [- ca.6 -] ̣ ̣ ̣ [ ̣ ̣]νος prev. ed.
^ 2. [ -ca.?- ]ης prev. ed.
^ 2-3. or κ̣[εκα]υ̣μ̣έ̣|[νου], χαλκοῦ (δραχμαί)| [ -ca.?- ζμύ]ρνης prev. ed.
^ 3. [ἐ]ρίκης (δραχμή) α ἰ̣[ο]ῦ̣ prev. ed.
^ 4. κόμμεως prev. ed.
^ 5. [(δραχμαί) -ca.?- ]ου (or [ -ca.?- ]οὗ or [αὐτ]οῦ) prev. ed.
^ 7. [ὀφθαλ(μῶν) φλε]γμονὰς prev. ed.
^ 9. [ -ca.?- κρ]όκου prev. ed.
^ 9-10. χαλ |[ -ca.?- ] (or χαλ|[βάνης] or χαλ|[χίτεως] or χαλ|[κάνθου]) prev. ed.
^ 10. l. ψιμυθίου
^ 11. ̣ (or α̣ or λ̣) prev. ed.
^ 12. [ -ca.?- ](δραχμαί) prev. ed.
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
- 1.
This line contained the title of the first recipe.
- 2.
The plate shows no trace of the upsilon of χαλκοῦ but there appear to be several remnants of ink and sufficient space for 6-7 letters.
- 3.
[ἐ]ρίκης κ̣αρ̣[πο]ῦ̣: see MPER 13.8.4.
- 4.
οὗ or [αὐτ]οῦ suggested by are not usual before the ἡ χρῆσις phrase.
- 8-9.
Since either καδμεία or στίμμι is normally found as the first item in list of ingredients for ‘kollyria with nard’ (see Youtie 1983, 230-31), one or the other must have appeared at the beginning of l. 8 and the other at the beginning of line 9.
- 9-10.
χαλ[κίτεως]: restored from Gal. 4.7 [12.755-7 K].
- 11.
Alpha is not in doubt. See alpha in […]κιας at l. 4.
- 11-2.
The remaining essential ingredients of ‘kollyria with nard’, i.e. νάρδου and κόμμεως, may properly be restored in the lacunae in ll. 11 and 12. The amounts for both are preserved, 1 dr. of nard, and 72 dr. of kommi. Neither amount is found in parallel recipes for this type of kollyrium; but for nard, 1 dr. is reasonable, while 72 dr. for kommi appears at first sight to be excessive. Anyway, there are many kollyria in which kommi has a higher number of drachmae than any other ingredient, see Gal. 4.7 [12, 773.12 K (= 80 dr.); 777.10 K (= 70 dr.); 777.16 K (= 84 dr.)] and Youtie 1983, 230-31.