DDbDP transcription: c.ep.lat.141 [xml]
AD 98-117 Karanis
[Reprinted from: p.mich.8.467] PMich8,467;CPL250;ChLA42,1218
Claudius [T]er[en]tianus Claudio Tiberiano domino et patri karissimo(*)
plurimam salutem
an[te omn]ia op[to te] fortem et h[i]larem [e]t salvom(*) mihi esse cum nostris om-
n[ibus] quotị[en]ṣque autẹ[m a t]ẹ habe[o no]vom(*) mihi bene est scias me pater accepis-
5[se ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ana]ḅoḷadum(*) et tun[ica]m et pannos braciles et ab Nepotiano pau
[- ca.10 - a s]p̣ẹ ạṃạṛ[a p]ạṛp̣ạ[tum](*) [t]u autem dedisti illi aspros(*) pervenies
[optatissimus] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ mihi [feli]x ạ[d a]nnum optime scis et tu quantum col-
[legissit m]ẹntitus s[cias] ạuteṃ [ra]pi me in Syriam exiturum cum vexillo
[et rogavi illum] ḍare ṃịhi [ille] aute[m] negavit se habere aspros(*) ait mihi si
10n[on mi redd]as ̣[ ̣] ̣ri[ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ referam pa[t]ri tuo et nisi quod opus mihi fuit
ut [ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣] reddidi[ss]em illi libenter ut reciperes ab
illo ṇ[o]ṣtr[um imbol]u[clu]m(*) p̣[ro]b[ave]ṛ[e] se in cl[ass]( ) A[u]g(ust ) Alex(andrin ) [et] Kalaḅ[el]
et Dẹịpist[us ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ḥ[ ̣] ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]uam s[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ṇullus [co]ṃputa-
vit kasus(*) sụ[ae] ṿ[itae ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ṇ[e]quẹ la ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ n]ẹc ob [haec]
15Marceḷ[l]ụṃ [o]di qu[on]ị[a]m nihil mihi p̣ro dis fuerunt nisi verba
null[i]us con[c]ẹpị ọ[diu]ṃ et ivi me ọḅ[ic]ẹ[r]ẹ [n]avi et p̣ẹr eọs me probavi in classe
ṇe tiḅ[i] pareaṃ a spe ạṃạṛ[a] paṛp̣a[tum](*) ṿagari quasi fugitivom(*) oro et rogo
te pater nem[i]nem habeo enim karum(*) nisi secundum deos te ut mit-
ta[sm]i[h]i pe[r V]alerium gladiu[m pu]gnatorium et l[ance]am et d[o]la-
20bram et copla[m](*) et lonchas duas quam optimas et byrrum casta-
linum et tunicam bra[c]ilem cum bracis meis ut habeam quoniam
extri[v]i tuni[ca]m antequam me pr[o]barem in militiam bracae autem
novae postae(*) sunt et si quid missurus es inscribe omnia et
signa mihi scribe in e[p]istula ne quit(*) mute[t]ur dum adfer
25tur et si scr[i]bes mihi epistulam inscribas in liburna
N[e]ptuni scias domo nostrae deorum beneficio omnia
recte esse [m]isi tibi vac. ? amphoras II olivarum
co[lym]bade [un]a et uṇ[a] ṇigrạ amphorae istae sunt pares
ill[is] m[edi]anis [quas] misi ex e[i]s p̣[ote]s et has cognoscere rogo et
30or[o te] pa[ter u]t eạṣ aḍ Ḍ[el]ṭa mer[ca]ṭ[o]ṛ[ia] ṇavi ut em[a]s et mittas
tr[e]ṣ toc[adas ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ a]ḅest la ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ṣ ̣[ ̣]ni ut[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]r ms
(perpendicular) [salutat te mate]ṛ ṃ[ea] ẹ[t] Ptolemaeus pater meus et fratres mei omnes
(perpendicular) ṣạ[luta et Ap]ḥrọ[disia]ṃ et Isitychen e[t -ca.?- ]
(perpendicular) ̣[- ca.11 - S]er[en]um s[c]ribam et Marcellum collegam tuum et (Writing perpendicular to main text)Tẹrẹ
(perpendicular) 35[ntium collega]m tuum et omnes contubernales tuos bene valere te opto
(perpendicular) multis annis cum tuis omnibus
(perpendicular) vale
^ ctr.1. l. carissimo
^ ctr.3. l. salvum
^ ctr.4. l. [no]vum
^ ctr.5. l. [ana]ḅoḷadium
^ ctr.6. l. palpatum
^ ctr.6. l. asperos
^ ctr.9. l. asperos
^ ctr.12. l. involucrum
^ ctr.14. l. casus
^ ctr.17. l. palpatum
^ ctr.17. l. fugitivum
^ ctr.18. l. carum
^ ctr.20. l. copulam
^ ctr.23. l. positae
^ ctr.24. l. quid
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: chla.42.1218 [xml]
II spc Alexandria?
[Reprinted in: c.ep.lat.141] C.Epist.Lat. 141
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
Claudius Terentianus to Claudius Tiberianus, his lord and dearest father, very many greetings. Before all else, I pray that you be strong and cheerful and well, together with our entire family, and I am pleased whenever I have news from you. Know, father, that I have received . . . a cloak, a tunic, and the girdled lothes, and from Nepotianus . . . . But you gave him rough ones. Do you come . . . . You know very well how much he has lied to his comrades(?). Know that I am being sent off to Syria and am about to leave with a detachment. [I asked him] to give [them] to me, but [he] denied that he had the rough ones. He said to me: �ǣIf you do not return(?) . . . to me, I shall tell your father.�ǥ If I did not need to . . ., I would have returned it to him gladly, so that you might recover from him our . . . . Both Kalabel and Deipistus have enlisted in the Augustan fleet [of Alexandria] . . . no one has reckoned up the chances of his life . . . nor do I hate Marcellus on this account. Since they were nothing to me - (I say this) in the presence of the gods - but words, I conceived a hatred(?) of no one. I went . . . by boat, and with their help I enlisted in the fleet lest I seem to you to wander like a fugitive, lured on by a bitter hope. I ask and beg you, father, for I have no one dear to me except you, after the gods, to send to me by Valerius a battle sword, a . . ., a pickaxe, a grappling iron, two of the best lances obtainable, a cloak of beaver skin(?), and a girdled tunic, together with my trousers, so that I may have them, since I wore out my tunic before I entered the service and my trousers were laid away new. And if you are going to send anything, put an address on everything and describe the distinguishing features to me by letter lest any exchange be made en route. And if you write me a letter, address it: �ǣon the liburnian of Neptune.�ǥ Know that everything is going well at home, through the beneficence of the gods. I sent you 2 jars of olives, one in brine and one black. These jars are the same as those . . . [that] I sent; from them you can identify these too. I ask and beg you, father, to go to the Delta on a trading boat, so that you may buy and send three breeders . . . . My mother(?), my father Ptolemaios, and all my brothers [salute] you. Salute Aphrodisia, Isityche, . . . Serenus the clerk, your colleague Marcellus, your colleague(?) Terentius, and all your comrades. I pray that you enjoy good health for many years, together with your family. Farewell.