DDbDP transcription: p.mich.8.473 [xml]
II spc Karanis
Ταβεθεῦς Κλαυδίῳ Τιβεριανῶι τῷ ἀδελφῶι πλεῖστα χ(αίρειν).
πρὸ [μ]ὲν πάντων εὔχομ[αί σ]ε ὑ(*)γιαίνειν
καὶ τὸ προσκύνημά σου ποῶ(*) παρὰ τοῦ(*) κυρίου(*) Σούχου(*).
ἐχά[ρ]η\ν/ π[ῶς] ἔπεμψάς μ[ο]υ τὸν υ(*)ἱον ἕως αὐτὸν προσκυνήσω,
5ἀλλὰ οὐκ ε[ ̣] ̣[ ̣]κας̣ αὐτὸν ἀν[θ]ρ̣ώπῳ. οὐχ εὕρηκε γὰρ Σατορ-
νεῖλ[ο]ς ἅ πεπόηκα(*) α[ὐ]τῷ. ἠγοράκα[μ]εν τρεῖς μνᾶς λίνων
καὶ [ἔ]π[εμ]ψ̣α αὐτάς. μ̣[ή] μ̣[ο]υ μέμφε ἐὰν μὴ παρέσχες
Με[τ]έ̣λλῳ̣ στρατιώτῃ. ἐθ̣ελο(*) γράψῃς περὶ φίλου· τάχα
παράσχετε αὐτῷ. ἐλοιπήθην(*) πολλά. εἰδυνόμην(*) πέμ-
10ψαι σοι τὸ συ[ν]θεσιτιν(*) ἐφέτους(*), οὐκ ἔπεμψα αὐτὴν
δ̣ι̣ὰ πέ[ρ]υ̣σι ἀ̣λ̣λ̣ὰ ἔπεμψα καὶ πεπράκαμεν αὐτὰ Καβῖν
δ̣[ι]άκων̣[ι]. καταβάντες ἐκ Τ̣ῶνις οἴκοθεν ὑ(*)μῶν(*), εἰσ-
ελθόντες ε̣[ἰ]ς̣ τὴν ξενίαν Σατορνείλου, βλέψας τὰ ὑ(*)μῶν(*)
βα̣βασκαντ̣α̣ν̣(*) οὐκ εὐδόκηκα αὐτὸν τὸν υἱόν μου
15α[ὐ]τὸν πισ̣τ̣ε̣ῦ̣σαι Μηνᾷ. καὶ αὐτὸν φονεύσας εἶπέ
γ[ε] ἐμοὶ [μ]ὴ̣ πον̣ε̣ῖ̣ν, εἶπα Σατορνείλῳ ὅτι μὴ καθεῦ-
[δο]ν μεριμνῶν. [ὡς] ἔβλαψές(*) [μ]ε χιλίας διακοσίας δρα-
χ[μ]άς, περ[ί]ψημ[ά] μου τοῦ υἱοῦ ἀπέλθωσιν.
[κα]ὶ κατ[έ]βην ἰς(*) [Ἀλ]εξάν[δ]ρειαν μετὰ [το]ῦ υἱοῦ μου.
20[τού]του χά[ρ]ιν μ[α]νία αὐτὸν [ἔσ]χηκεν, ἐπὶ(*) οὐκ εὐ-
[δό]κ̣ηκεν αὐτὸ[ν] φαγῖν(*) τὰ [ἐπιμ]ήνια σὺν τοῖς παρʼ αὐτοῦ.
[ἐὰ]ν ὁ θεὸς θέ[λῃ κ]αὶ λάβῃς [τὰ ἐ]πιμήνια ἃ πεπόηκά(*) σοι,
[μ]ὴ αὐτὰ̣ [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] ̣α. κ̣α̣ὶ̣ σ[ύ. περὶ τ]ῶν περισυνῶν(*) οὐ
[πε]πόηκ[α](*) [ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣] πεπόηκ[ε](*) [πέ]ρυσι. ἀφίωκα αὐτὰ
25[ἐ]ν̣ Ἀλεξ[α]νδ[ρείᾳ] ἕως τῆ[ς δε]υτέρας ἀναγωγῆς. καὶ
[ἠσ]θένηκεν. [ἐθλί]βην λο[ι]π̣[ηθείς](*) ὑ̣πʼ αὐτον(*), ἐχάρην ὅλως
[ὅτ]ι ἔζηκε[ν. π]επιάκαμ[εν α]ὐτὸν παρακαλοῦντες ὅτι
[ἀν]άγευσαι Ἀ[λε]ξανδρε[ί]α[ς, κα]ὶ λέγει ὑ(*)μῖν(*) ὅτι οὐ θέλω.
[ε]ὐχαριστοῦμ[ε]ν τοῖς θεοῖς [ὅ]τι ὁμοις(*) σ[ο]ύ ἐστιν,
30[οὐ]δεὶς δ[ύ]νατ[αι] αὐτὸν [κ]αταγελάσαι. ἀσπάζου τοὺς
[πα]ρʼ ἐσοῦ πάν[τ]ες(*) κατʼ ὄνομα. ἐβλάβην πόσα πέρυσι διὰ
[Σ]ατορνεῖ[λ]ον, οὐδὲ ὀφέλησε̣(*) αὐτὰ οὐδὲ ἐγώ, ἀλλὰ πάν-
τα ἐβλάβην. ἔρρωσσοι(*). v
ἀπόδ(ος) ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣α ̣ ̣ ̣ Τ̣[ιβ]ε̣[ρι]α̣ν̣ῷ̣ ☓ π(αρὰ) Τ̣[αβεθεῦτος]
^ r.2. ϋγιαινειν papyrus
^ r.3. l. ποιῶ
^ r.3. l. τῷ
^ r.3. l. κυρίῳ
^ r.3. l. Σούχῳ
^ r.4. ϋιον papyrus
^ r.6. l. πεποίηκα
^ r.8. l. ἐθέλω
^ r.9. l. ἐλυπήθην
^ r.9. l. ἠδυνάμην
^ r.10. l. συνθεσίδιον
^ r.10. l. ἐφέτος
^ r.12. l. ἡμῶν : ϋμων papyrus
^ r.13. l. ἡμῶν
^ r.14. l. ἀβάσκαντα
^ r.17. l. ἔβλαψάς
^ r.19. l. εἰς
^ r.20. l. ἐπεὶ
^ r.21. l. φαγεῖν
^ r.22. l. πεποίηκά
^ r.23. l. περυσινῶν
^ r.24. l. πεποίηκα
^ r.24. l. πεποίηκε
^ r.26. l. λυπηθείς
^ r.26. l. αὐτοῦ
^ r.28. l. ἡμῖν : ϋμιν papyrus
^ r.29. l. ὅμοι<ό>ς
^ r.31. l. πάντας
^ r.32. l. ὠφείλησε
^ r.33. l. ἔρρωσο
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
Tabetheus to Claudius Tiberianus, her brother, very many greetings. Before all else I pray for your health and I make obeisance for you in the presence of the lord Souchos. I was happy that you sent my son in order that I might greet him. But you have not . . . . For Saturnilus has not found out what I did for him. I bought three minai of linen and I sent them. Do not blame me if you did not deliver them to Metellus the soldier. I want you to write concerning a friend; deliver them to him immediately. I was much annoyed. I was able to send you the robe this year; I did not send it last year(?), but I sent and sold them to Kabin the attendant. When I went down from our home at Tonis and came to Saturnilus's lodging and saw our things ��� may the evil eye not touch them, I did not approve that he, my son, should trust Menas. And after he had killed him, he told me not to be distressed; I told Saturnilus that I was sleepless from worry. Since you caused me damage to the extent of twelve hundred drachmai, let them go to my son���s ransom. And I went down to Alexandria with my son. For this reason a madness took hold of him, because he did not approve that he [i.e. Menas] and his family should consume the rations. If god wills and you receive the rations that I put up for you, do not you also . . . them. Concerning last year's rations, I did not prepare them; . . . prepared them last year. I sent them from Alexandria as late as the second shipment upstream. And he became ill. I was tortured with the grief that he caused me, but I was utterly happy that he remained alive. I have insistently urged him, "Take a taste of Alexandria," and he says to me, "I don't want to." I thank the gods that he is like you; no one can mock him. Salute all your people, each by name. How much damage have I incurred this past year on account of Saturnilus! Neither was he(?) liable for it nor was I, but I have incurred damage on every side. Farewell.;;(Verso) Deliver to . . . Tiberianus from Tabetheus . . . .