sign in

p.princ.3.164 = HGV P.Princ. 3 164 = Trismegistos 27134 = princeton.apis.p907

DDbDP transcription: p.princ.3.164 [xml]

II spc ?

Χαιρή̣μων Σαραπάμ-
μων[ι] τῷ ἀδελφῷ χαίρειν̣.
καλῶς̣ ποιήσεις κἂν(*) νῦ[ν]
δοὺς τῷ νομοφύλακι τὴν
5διαγραφὴν εἰδὼς τὴν ἀν-
νάγ’κην(*) τοῦ μηνιαίου,
καὶ σὺν θεῷ ἐὰν δ̣υ[ν]ώ̣μ̣[ε]θ̣α̣
ἐκπλέξωμεν(*) αὐτὸ χ̣ω̣ρὶς
μάχης.(*) ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔ-


^ 3. l. καὶ ἂν
^ 5-6. l. ἀν|άγκην, N. Gonis (image) (via PN) : ἀν|νάνκην prev. ed.
^ 8. l. ἐκπλέξομεν, P.Freib. IV, p. 50 n. 9 : ἐκπλέξωμεν prev. ed.
^ 9. P.Freib. IV, p. 50 n. 9 : , prev. ed.

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APIS Translation (English)

Chaeremon to his brother Sarapammon, greetings. You will do well right now by giving the report to the nome-guard since you are aware of the necessity of the monthly statement and with God's help if we can let us confound him without a fight. Farewell.