DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.1.63 [xml]
II/III spc Oxyrhynchus
Πα̣[ή]σ̣ιος Ἀ[ρχ]ελά[ω]ι τ[ῶ]ι
φιλτάτωι χαίρειν.
τοῦ ἀναδιδόντος σοι τὸ ἐπιστόλιόν
μου ναυκλήρου Πανε̣μου̣ῶτος
5προνόησον σὺν(?)(*) πάσῃ σπουδῇ ἐν-
βαλέσθαι αὐτοῦ τὸν γόμον ὡς ἔθο̣ς̣ ὃ̣ν
[ἔ]χεις ἐν χερσὶ καὶ λ̣εκτῷ ἐνβαλέσθαι,
καὶ τοὺς δειγματοάρτας καθʼ αὑτὸν
ἀναπέμψαι πρὸς ζυγοστα[σ]ίαν
10λαβόντα παρὰ τῶν ἀρχεφόδων
ὀνάριον. ἀπεντεῦθεν μὲν ο̣[ὖν]
συνσκυλῆθ̣ι̣ αὐτῷ καὶ ἰδέτω
τοὺς θησαυρούς, κα[ὶ] τοὺς [σι-]
τολόγους καὶ τοὺς ἄλλους τοὺς πρὸς
15τὴν χρείαν ὧν τὰ ὀνόματά σοι
ἔπεμψεν Ἁρποκρατίων ἐν
ἑτοίμῳ ποίησον ἵνα μη[δ]ὲν
ἐνπόδιον ἠν(*). ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχ(ομαι), φ[ί]λ(τατε). v
Ἀρχελάωι ὑπηρέτῃ.
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HGV 28402 Translation (English) [xml]
(Translation: from P.Oxy. 1) Paësius to his dearest Archelaus, greeting. The bearer of this letter is the captain Panemouôs; please to see that his freight is embarked with all despatch, and let it consist as usual of what you have in hand and selected for lading. Send up the inspectors yourself to the examination, getting a donkey from the chiefs of the police. After this give him your best attention and let him see the granaries, and prepare the overseers and the other officials concerned, whose names have been given you by Harpocration, in order that there may be no delay. My best wishes for your health, dearest friend.