DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.2.363 [xml]
II spc Tebtynis
Ἐκῦσις Ἁρεώτου ἱερᾶς
γῆ̣(ς) (πυροῦ) δ 𐅵 η´, προ(σ)μ(ετρούμενα) (πυροῦ) 𐅷 η´
5— (πυροῦ) ε γ´ ιβ´, ὁ αὐτὸς
φολέδρω(*) (πυροῦ) ϛ´, επιγ(*) (πυροῦ) η´,
— (πυροῦ) δ´ κδ´.
Ταορσενοῦφις Σιγήρεως
κατοίκ(ων) (πυροῦ) δ 𐅵 δ´, προ(σμετρούμενα) (πυροῦ) 𐅷 η´,
10— (πυροῦ) ε 𐅵 κδ´.
— ἐπὶ [τὸ] αὐτὼ(*) (πυροῦ) ια δ´.
ἑκατοστὴ̣ (πυροῦ) — ϛ´ κδ´,
— (πυροῦ) ια γ´ ιβ´(*).
(hand 2) Ἐκῦσις Ἁρεώτου
15κατ̣ακ̣(ριμάτων) (πυροῦ) γ ϛ´ κδ´, προ(σμετρούμενα) γ´ η´(*), — (πυροῦ) γ 𐅷.
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APIS Translation (English)
Statement of a payment in kind at Tebtunis. Ekysis son of Hareotes for temple land 4 1/2 1/8 artabas of wheat, for extra charges 2/3 1/8 art., total 5 1/3 1/12 art. of wheat. The same for transport 1/6 art., for the extra third 1/8 art., total 1/4 1/24 art. Taorsenouphis daugther of Sigeris for the tax on katoikoi 4 1/2 1/4 art. of wheat, for extra payments 2/3 1/8, total 5 1/2 1/24 art. Total 11 1/4 art. of wheat: 1 percent 1/6 1/24 art. of wheat; total 11 1/3 1/12 art. of wheat. Ekusis son of Hareotes for a fine 3 1/6 1/24, for extra payments 1/3 1/8 art. of wheat. Total 3 2/3 art. of wheat.