DDbDP transcription: p.mich.3.211 [xml]
II/III spc ?
r Οὐαλέρ[ι]ος Σαμαφεῖ̣ καὶ Ἀκο ̣[ ̣] ̣ρι
χαίριν(*). κα\λ/ῶς ποιήσητε(*) φροντί-
σαντες τῶν ἡμετέρων μέχρις ἂν
παραγένωμε(*) τοῦ Σεράπιδος θέ-
5λοντος. ἐλπίζω τάχιον ἐκπ-
λέκσε(*) καὶ ἀναπλεῦσε(*) πρ-
ὸς ὑμᾶς. ὖδα(*) γὰρ ἡμῶν(*) τὸ σπου-
δε͂ον(*) εἵνα(*) ἀμε[ρ]ιμνότερόν με
ποιήσηται(*), ὑμε[ῖ]ν(*) γὰρ προσέχων
10ἀμεριμνότερα δ[ι]άγω. ἀσπάσατε
τοὺς οἱμῶν(*) πάντας, καὶ ἀσπά-
ζ̣εται ὑμᾶς Σαραπίων πολλά.
ἐρρῶσθ[αι] ὑμᾶς εὔχ[ο]μαι. v ̣πρα̣[ -ca.?- ] ̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣] -4-5- [ ̣] ̣ ̣(*)[π]α̣ρ̣[ὰ] Ο̣ὐ̣[α]λ̣[ε]ρ̣ίου(*)
^ r.2.
l. χαίρειν^ r.2.
l. ποιήσετε^ r.4.
l. παραγένωμαι^ r.5-6.
l. ἐκπ |λέξαι^ r.6.
l. ἀναπλεῦσαι^ r.7.
l. οἶδα^ r.7.
l. ὑμῶν^ r.7-8.
l. σπου |δαῖον^ r.8.
l. ἵνα^ r.9.
l. ποιήσητε^ r.9.
l. ὑμῖν^ r.11.
l. ὑμῶν^ v.14.
D. Sullivan (from original) : prev. ed.^ v.14.
P. Heilporn (michigan.apis.1651) : prev. ed.
- 2024-04-04T10:04:38-04:00 [james.cowey]: Finalized - Ready.
- 2024-04-03T09:36:29-04:00 [simoeis]: Vote - AcceptText - Sullivan's reading is really a PN correction, i.e. =PN D. Sullivan
(from original). However, it doesn't take account of all the traces. Therefore, change
to following <:.1πρα̣[.?].3[.1].4-5[.1].2=D. Sullivan (from original)|ed|:><:[π]α̣ρ̣[ὰ]
Ο̣ὐ̣[α]λ̣[ε]ρ̣ίου=P. Heilporn (michigan.apis.1651)|ed|:>
- 2024-03-28T11:54:00-04:00 [verhoogt1]: Vote - AcceptText - I checked Sullivan's reading on the original.
- 2024-02-21T15:48:08-05:00 [sulliv]: Submit - Heliport suggested this reading at the end of the line on the verso, and
upon looking at the physical papyrus myself I found more letters and traces at the
beginning of the line.
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
- 2011-12-13 [Faith]: Automatic insertion of lb tags into origs to match existing lb tags in the reg
- 2011-10-31 [gabrielbodard]: changed type=inWord to break=no
- 2011-10-04 [Faith]: Automatically updated revision description
- 2011-09-20 [Faith]: Automated transfer of accents across reg-orig pairs
- 2011-03-02 [gabrielbodard]: batch converted all tei:sic to tei:orig and tei:corr to tei:reg
- 2010-05-05 [gabrielbodard]: changed schema; added xml:space=preserve; indented; moved title/@n to idno
- 2009-11-12 [gabrielbodard]: Added language la-Grek
- 2009-06-27 [gabrielbodard]: Converted from TEI P4 (EpiDoc DTD v. 6) to P5 (EpiDoc RNG schema)
- 2008-12-22 [papyri.info]: Automated split from transcoder files
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
APIS Translation (English)
Valerius to Samaphes and Ako..., greeting. Please take care of our affairs until I
join you, Sarapis willing. I hope soon to straighten matters out and sail up to you.
For I know your zeal to make me less distraught; for when I give heed to you I live
in less anxiety. Salute all of your household; Sarapion also sends many salutations.
I pray for your welfare.;;(Verso);;. . . [- - - from] Valerius.