DDbDP transcription: p.mich.15.710 [xml]
II/III spc Karanis
π Πρόκλος Τιτο̣ήους σακκοφόρο(ς)
Γαίο(ς) Σατορνείν[ου](*) τοῦ Κιαπέ
Πετεσοῦχο(ς) Πεθέως τοῦ Χαριδή(μου) Ἡρᾶτος
Πεθεῦς̣ Ὀννώ(φρεως) τοῦ Ἥρωνος μ̣η(τρὸς) Τασουχαρίο(υ)
5Πτολε̣μ̣αῖο[ς] Πετ̣ε̣αρμώ̣θ(εως) τοῦ Ἀγχώφεως
Χαρίδη(μος) Πε̣θ̣έως ⟦τοῦ⟧ μη(τρὸς) Ἡρᾶτος διάκων(?)(*)
Πτολεμαῖο(ς) Σοκ̣μ̣ή̣νε̣(ως) τοῦ Πακύσεως(*)
Πιτιρω[ ̣ ̣ ̣]ς̣ Σοκ[ ̣]ι̣ο̣(ς) τοῦ Ἁρμά̣χεως
Π̣α̣σίω[ν](*)[ ̣ ̣] ̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]ν̣ος τοῦ Πε̣ ̣υ̣[ ̣] ̣[ ̣]θο(υ)
10[ -ca.?- ] ̣υ̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣] ̣ ̣ῶτος v
ιϛ δ κο(λλήματος)
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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APIS Translation (English)
(Recto);;80th (cleruchy?). Proclus, son of Titoes, porter;;Gaius, son of Satorneinos, grandson of Kiape;;Petesouchos, son of Petheus and Heras, grandson of Charidemos;;Petheus, son of Onnophris and Tasoucharion, grandson of Heron;;Ptolemaios, son of Petearmothis, grandson of Anchophis;;Charidemos, son of Petheus and Heras, attendant;;Ptolemaios, son of Sokmenis(?), grandson of Pakysis;;Pitiro - - -, son of Sok - - -(?), grandson of Harmachis;;Pasion, son of - - -, grandson of Pe - - -, - - -;;(Verso);;16th (volume?), 4th column.