sign in

p.oxy.12.1484 = HGV P.Oxy. 12 1484 = Trismegistos 28996

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.12.1484 [xml]

II/III spc Oxyrhynchus

ἐρωτᾷ σε Ἀπολλώνι-
ος δειπνῆσαι εἰς
[κ]λείνην(*) τοῦ κυρίου
Σαράπιδος ὑπὲρ μα̣λ-
5λοκουρίων(*) τῶν
[υἱῶν μου](*) ἐν τῷ Θ[ο-]
[ηρίῳ. ⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --


^ 3. l. [κ]λίνην
^ 4-5. BL 8.247 : μελλοκουρίων prev. ed.
^ 6. BL 8.247 : [ἀδελφῶν(?)] prev. ed.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

HGV 28996 Translation (English) [xml]

(Translation: from P.Oxy. 12) Apollonius requests you to dine at the table of the lord Sarapis on the occasion of the approaching coming of age of his brothers at the temple of Thoëris...