DDbDP transcription: sb.14.11438 [xml]
III spc Karanis
[Reprinted from: o.mich.1.287] OMich1,287
Παῦνι ιϛ
Ὀννῶφ(ρις) Κ̣α̣σῆ-
νι παρέδ(ωκεν).
σεσημίωμαι(*) .
5(hand 2) notavit.
Ὀννῶφ(ρις) Κ̣α̣σῆ-
νι παρέδ(ωκεν).
σεσημίωμαι(*) .
5(hand 2) notavit.
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APIS Translation (English)
On Pauni 16, Onnophris son of Kasenis has given (his part). I have signed. (2nd hand, in Latin) He has signed.