sign in

p.oxy.6.978 = HGV P.Oxy. 6 978 = Trismegistos 31334 = upenn.apis.85

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.6.978 [xml]

III spc Oxyrhynchus

δίφρος (hand 2) β
(hand 1) λιβανοθήκη(*)
κ  ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]


^ 1. l. κελλάρια
^ 2-3. l. δίφρα, I. Bonati (digital image) (via PN) : δίφρος (l. δίφρα) β | λιβανοθήκη prev. ed.
^ 4. l. ἔσοπτρον, I. Bonati (via PN) : ὄσoπτρον (l. ἔσοπτρον) prev. ed.


  • 1.

    The unattested κερλάρια should be read κελλάρια, i.e. the latinism κελλάριον (from cellarium), ‘receptacle’, ‘chest’. Cf. e.g. P.Oxy.16 2058.9; SB 8 9834.24; P.Ashm. inv.33 ↓ i.7; P.Turner 39.8.

  • 4.

    ὄσοπτρον ( is unparalleled. ὄσυπτρον (from photo) is a variant of ἔσοπτρον/εἴσοπτρον, ‘mirror’, attested only in some papyri of the II-III AD, cf. e.g. P.Hamb. 3 223.11; P.Oxy. 36 2787.4; P.Oslo 2 46 verso 7.

  • 6.

    Instead of κ ̣[ (ed. pr.) κτ̣[ενίο]ν̣ (?) could fit both the traces and the space. i.e. ‘comb’ or ‘small ornament’, attested in lists of objects (cf. e.g. SB 24 15918.31 and KSB 2 1037.1).

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