sign in

sb.22.15349 = HGV SB 22 15349 = Trismegistos 31351 = p.oxy.descr.1

DDbDP transcription: sb.22.15349 [xml]

III spc Oxyrhynchus
[Reprinted from: p.oxy.descr.1] P.Oxy.Descr. 1

π(αρὰ) Αὐρηλ(ίου) Θέωνο̣ς̣
χαῖρε Ἄμμων(*).
δὸς Παυσανίᾳ εἰς
λόγον πίσσης
5ἀπὸ δόσε̣ω̣ς̣ Φαρμοῦ(θι)(*)
δραχ(μὰς) δισχειλίας(*)
γί(νονται) (δραχμαὶ) Β. ἔρρωσ(ο).
(ἔτους) β Φαρ(μοῦθι) κε.


^ 2. P.J. Sijpesteijn, ZPE 108 (1995) 224 : Χαιρεμμων (l. Χαιρήμων (or Χαιρήμωνι)) prev. ed.
^ 5. BL 12.231 : ἀποδόσε̣ω̣ς̣ φαρμάκ(ων) prev. ed.
^ 6. l. δισχιλίας

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

DDbDP transcription: p.oxy.1.159 [xml]

VI/VII spc Oxyrhynchus
[Reprinted in: p.oxy.descr.1] P.Oxy.Descr. 1

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.