DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.2.417 [xml]
III spc Tebtynis
[ἤδη εἴ]ρηχέ(*) σοι ὁ {α} πα-
[τ]ή̣ρ σου̣ [σ]ο̣ῦ ἐξερχομένου
ὅτι ὕ(*)παγε πρὸς τὸν Μῶ-
5ρον καὶ ε̣ἰδέ(*), τί λέγει περὶ
τῆς Ἀντινόου καὶ πέμ-
ψον πάλιν φασι(*) ἐν τῇ αὔ-
[ριο]ν̣, πλὴν(*) ἀρξόμεθ[α](*)
τοῦ ἔργου, ἐπὶ(*) γὰρ ἐ[ὰν]
10φθάσωμεν ἐπιλα-
βέσθαι τοῦ ἔργου
δυνόμεθα αὐτ[ὸ]
[ἀ]φῖνε(*) οὕτω ̣[ ̣] ̣[ ̣ ̣]
[ ̣]ελιοσθη. πέμψον
15[οὖ]ν ἡμ̣ῖ̣ν̣ φ[ά]σιν
περὶ τούτου. μέτρη-
[σ]ον τὸν ἐρεγ’μόν,
εἴδε πόσα μέτρα
[ἔ]χι(*) καὶ πέμψον
20[π]άλιν φάσιν περὶ τ[ού-]
[τ]ο̣υ̣. ὕ(*)παγε καὶ δέξε̣(*)
[τ]ὸν μαφόρτην σου
ἀπὸ τοῦ στιβήου(*) πλὴ̣ν(*)
φύγουσιν(*). μάθε τοῦ
25Μώρου ὅ(*)τι τί θέλις(*)
ἀγοράσομεν εἰς Ἀντι-
νο̣υ(*) καὶ πέμψον ἡ-
μῖν φάσιν, καὶ ἐὰν ἔχῃ
ὁ Μῶρος ἔργον ὧδη(*)
30ἄνου(*) ἀνερχεστο(*) καὶ
ποισατο(*) αὐτό. μὴ ἀμε-
λήσῃς περὶ τῶν ἔρ-
γον(*) πάντων.
ἆρον τὸν κιθῶναν(*)
35ἀπὸ τῆς Θαήσεως
καὶ δὸς αὐτῇ τὸν πά-
λι̣ν(*) καὶ κ̣[λ]α̣νιν(*).
^ 2. l. [εἴ]ρηκέ
^ 4. ϋπαγε papyrus
^ 5. l. ἰδέι, BL 1.428 : ε̣ἴδε prev. ed.
^ 7. l. φάσι<ν>
^ 8. l. πρὶν
^ 8. l. ἀρξώμεθα
^ 9. l. ἐπεὶ
^ 13. l. ἀφεῖναι
^ 17. ερεγ’μον papyrus
^ 19. l. ἔχει
^ 21. ϋπαγε papyrus
^ 21. l. δέξαι
^ 23. l. στιβείου
^ 23. l. πρὶν
^ 24. l. φύγωσιν
^ 25. ο̈τι papyrus
^ 25. l. θέλεις
^ 26-27. l. Ἀντι|νό<ο>υ
^ 29. l. ὧδε
^ 30. l. ἄνω
^ 30. l. ἀνερχέσθω
^ 31. l. ποιησάτω
^ 32-33. l. ἔρ|γων
^ 34. l. χιτῶναν
^ 37. corr. ex
^ 37. l. κλάνιον
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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APIS Translation (English)
Many greetings. Your father already told you, when you were leaving, to go to Moros and see what he says about Antinoe, and send us word again tomorrow. But we will begin the work, for as soon as we make haste to set ourselves to it we can finish it completely (?); so send us word about this. Go and get your veil from the fuller's � Find out from Moros what he wants us to buy at Antinoe, and send us word, and if Moros has any business let him come up here and do it. Do not neglect any of the work. Take the tunic from Thaesis, and give her the mantle and the bracelet.