sign in

p.oslo.2.20 = HGV P.Oslo 2 20 = Trismegistos 31630 = oslo.apis.137

DDbDP transcription: p.oslo.2.20 [xml]

III spc Karanis

προστωτος(*) λῃστοπιασ̣τὴς κώμης Καρανίδος.
ἀνάπεμψον Ἁτισις(*) Ἀκιαλέως ἐνκαλούμενων(*)
ὑπὸ τοῦ πράκ(τορος) ἀργυρι(κῶν) κώμης Φιλοπάτορος,
ἢ αὐτὸν ἢ δραχμὰς ἑκατὸν ἑξήκωντα(*), (δραχμαὶ) ξ(*).


^ 1. l. προεστῶτος (or προεστὼς)(*), Cf. P.Oslo 3, p. 275 : προστω̣το̣ς prev. ed.
^ 2. l. Ἁτῖσιν
^ 2. l. ἐγκαλούμενον
^ 4. l. ἑξήκοντα
^ 4. l. <ρ>ξ

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APIS Translation (English)

The liturgist charged with the farming of taxes to the thiefcatcher of the village Karanis. Send up Atisis, son of Akialis (for Akiaris), accused by the tax collector of the village Philopator, either him or 160 drachmas (160dr.)