DDbDP transcription: sb.20.14386 [xml]
AD 277-9 or 281/2 ?
[Reprinted from: chla.9.404] ChLA 9,404
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1p̣ẹr -1-2- c̣tọris ̣up̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ]
taṇṭẹṣ(*) at Sex(tum). Notavi.
β τοῖς ἅμα Ῥουφίνῳ πραιποσίτ̣[ῳ -ca.?- ]
ὧν ἡ ἀποχή·
5domino [n]ostro Probo Aug̣(usto) [ -ca.?- ]
ann( ) g̣[e]ntilibus sub c̣[ -ca.?- ](*)
taḥonạXVI Kal(endarum) Febrariaṛ[um -ca.?- ]
fit summa in ero[g]atiọ[ne -ca.?- ](*)
octant[a] quattor in viạ[ticum -ca.?- ]
10Aurel[i] Rufini p(rae)p(ositi). No[tavi. -ca.?- ]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1p̣ẹr -1-2- c̣tọris ̣up̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ]
taṇṭẹṣ(*) at Sex(tum). Notavi.
β τοῖς ἅμα Ῥουφίνῳ πραιποσίτ̣[ῳ -ca.?- ]
ὧν ἡ ἀποχή·
5domino [n]ostro Probo Aug̣(usto) [ -ca.?- ]
ann( ) g̣[e]ntilibus sub c̣[ -ca.?- ](*)
taḥonạXVI Kal(endarum) Febrariaṛ[um -ca.?- ]
fit summa in ero[g]atiọ[ne -ca.?- ](*)
octant[a] quattor in viạ[ticum -ca.?- ]
10Aurel[i] Rufini p(rae)p(ositi). No[tavi. -ca.?- ]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: chla.9.404 [xml]
AD 276-282 ?
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
1per ̣[ ̣]ctoris ̣up ̣ ̣[ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ](?)(*)
tantes ad Sex(tum). notavi.(?)(*)
β τοῖς ἅμα Ῥουφίνῳ πραιποσίτ[ῳ -ca.?- ]
ὧν ἡ ἀποχή:
5domino [n]ostro Probo Aug̣(usto) [ -ca.?- co(n)s(ulibus) -ca.?- ](*)
ann( ) g̣[e]ntilibus sub c[ -ca.?- ](?)(*)
tahona(?)(*) xvi Kal(endarum) Febrariar[um -ca.?- ](?)(*)
fit summa in ero[g]atio[ne](?)[ -ca.?- ](*)
octant[a](*) quattor in via[ticum -ca.?- ](?)(*)
10Aurel[i] Rufini p(rae)p(ositi). no[tavi](*)[. -ca.?- ]
^ 1. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : perceptoris duplu[m] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ](?) prev. ed.
^ 2. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : tantos at sex notavi [ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 5. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : Aug[ -ca.?- ](?) prev. ed.
^ 6. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : subo[ -ca.?- ](?) prev. ed.
^ 7. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : tasonas prev. ed.
^ 7. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : Kal(endas) · febrariaṣ (l. Februarias) [ -ca.?- ] prev. ed. : · papyrus
^ 8. or ero[g]atio[nibus](?), Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : ero[g]atio[ne -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 9. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : octant[ ̣] prev. ed.
^ 9. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : offici[ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 10. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : nọ[stri] prev. ed.
1per ̣[ ̣]ctoris ̣up ̣ ̣[ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ](?)(*)
tantes ad Sex(tum). notavi.(?)(*)
β τοῖς ἅμα Ῥουφίνῳ πραιποσίτ[ῳ -ca.?- ]
ὧν ἡ ἀποχή:
5domino [n]ostro Probo Aug̣(usto) [ -ca.?- co(n)s(ulibus) -ca.?- ](*)
ann( ) g̣[e]ntilibus sub c[ -ca.?- ](?)(*)
tahona(?)(*) xvi Kal(endarum) Febrariar[um -ca.?- ](?)(*)
fit summa in ero[g]atio[ne](?)[ -ca.?- ](*)
octant[a](*) quattor in via[ticum -ca.?- ](?)(*)
10Aurel[i] Rufini p(rae)p(ositi). no[tavi](*)[. -ca.?- ]
^ 1. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : perceptoris duplu[m] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ](?) prev. ed.
^ 2. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : tantos at sex notavi [ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 5. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : Aug[ -ca.?- ](?) prev. ed.
^ 6. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : subo[ -ca.?- ](?) prev. ed.
^ 7. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : tasonas prev. ed.
^ 7. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : Kal(endas) · febrariaṣ (l. Februarias) [ -ca.?- ] prev. ed. : · papyrus
^ 8. or ero[g]atio[nibus](?), Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : ero[g]atio[ne -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 9. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : octant[ ̣] prev. ed.
^ 9. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : offici[ -ca.?- ] prev. ed.
^ 10. Ch.L.A. 48,p.68 : nọ[stri] prev. ed.
Editorial History; All History; (detailed)
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.