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= Trismegistos 33043 = LDAB = HGV SB 18 13744 Z. 13 - 24 = SB 18 13744 Z. 1 - 12 = michigan.apis.2919

DCLP transcription: 33043 [xml]

[τ]ύ̣χῃ τύχῃ
δ (ἔτους)// Πρόβου
Μεχεὶρ δ εἰς ε
5ὥρᾳ ϛ νυκ(τός)
Ὥρα Ζυγῷ
Ἥλιος Σελήνη
Κρόνος Τοξότῃ
10Ἐρμῆς Αἰγόκερῳ
Ἀφροδίτη Ἄρης
Ζεὺς ’Ϊχθύσι
γένεσις Θεονίς
κα (ἔτους)// Διοκλητιανο̣ῦ̣ <καὶ>
Ἃθὺρ ζ εἰς η
ὥρᾳ η νυκ(τός)
Ὥρα ⟦Λὲοντι⟧ \Παρθένῳ/
Κρόνος ⟦Ἄρης⟧
20Ἑρμῆς Ζυγῷ
Ἄρης Ἥλιος Σκορπίῳ
Ἀφροδί(τη) ⟦Αἰγόκερ[ῳ]⟧ \Τοξότη/
Ζεὺς Ταύρῳ
Σ̣ε̣λ̣ή̣ν̣ῃ̣ Κ̣α̣ρ̣[κίνῳ]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

Good Luck;birth;4th year of Probus;Mecheir 4th to 5th;6th hour of the night;Horoscopos to Libra;Sun and Moon;to Aquarius;Saturn to Sagittarius;Herems to Capricorn;Venus Ares;Zeus to Pisces;Birth of Theonis;21th year of Diocletian and;Maxinian;Hathyr 7th to 8th;8th hour of the night;Horoscopos [[Leon]] Virgin;Saturn [[Ares]];Hermes to Libra;Ares Sun Scorpio;Venus [[to capricorn]] Sagittarius;Zeus to Taurus;Moon to Cancer