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p.oslo.2.59 = HGV P.Oslo 2 59 = Trismegistos 33592 = oslo.apis.15

DDbDP transcription: p.oslo.2.59 [xml]

IV spc ?

[  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]  ̣ Ἀμ̣β̣[ρ]οσίου. ἐὰν οὖν εὐκαιρίας̣
[τύχ]ῃς, πάντα ὑ[π]ερθέμενος ἧκε μετὰ τῆς
συμβίου σου. χ[ρε]ία̣ γὰρ σ[ο]ῦ ἐ[σ]τιν ἀπὸ νῦν
μάλιστα, ἐπὶ(*) ὀ[λ]ί[γ]ι̣σ̣τοι ἐ̣γ̣ενόμεθ̣α. καὶ πάν-
5τως ἦν γν̣[ωστὸ]ν̣(*) ἀ̣π̣ʼ ἐμῶν γραμμάτων
ὅτι ἀλλοτ̣ρ̣ι̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ ὁ̣ γ̣ὰ̣ρ̣ ἱ(*)ερεὺς ἡ[μῶ]ν̣
Ἑρμείας ἀπεγ̣έ̣ν̣ετο̣. παρεθέμην δέ σ̣ε̣ κ̣[αὶ]
τῷ κυρίῳ μου Ἑλλαδίῳ, ἀλλὰ κ̣α̣ὶ̣ τῷ δεσπότῃ
μου Ἡσυχίῳ τῷ σπεκουλάτορι ὡσαύτως
10[ἐ]ν τ̣ῇ κώμῃ ἐ̣πεστάλη ἀπὸ τοῦ φίλου περι
  ̣  ̣π̣ν[  ̣]. ἔρ[ρω]σό μοι ἅμα τῷ υ(*)ἱῷ ἡ̣μῶν̣
κ̣[αὶ τ]ῆς μητρὸς ἡ[μῶ]ν̣ π̣α̣ν̣οικησί̣ᾳ̣.
π(αρὰ) Ἀμ̣βροσίου προφή(του)(*) πατρ̣[⁦ -ca.?- ⁩]
ἐ̣ν Π̣εντα̣  ̣  ̣
(perpendicular) 15 (hand 2) π̣[α]ρ̣[ὰ το]ῦ ἐμοῦ πατρ̣[ὸς]
15/16(Writing perpendicular to main text) [Ἀμβροσίου]


^ r.4. l. ἐπεὶ
^ r.5. γ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣ prev. ed.
^ r.6. ϊερευσ papyrus
^ r.11. ϋιω papyrus
^ v.13. πρεσβ(υτέρου) prev. ed.

Editorial History; All History; (detailed)

Creative Commons License © Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

APIS Translation (English)

... (from?) Ambrosios. Then if you have the opportunity, put off everything, and come with your wife. We need you especially from now on, since we are in difficulties. And in any case it was ..... from my letters, that a stranger ......For our priest Hermeias is dead. And I recommended you to my lord Helladios, but also my master Hesychios, the overseer, was told, likewise in the village, by a friend, about ...;Be well, together with our son and our mother.;Verso:;From Ambrosios, prophetes ... in Pentaso;Written across the fibres in red ink:;(Second hand) From my father......