DDbDP transcription: p.ryl.4.661 [xml]
V spc Hermoupolis Magna
Νεωτερὶς χαίρειν·
ἐπειδὴ ἐποιησετ̣[ -ca.?- ]
5 ̣ε̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣]α ̣ ̣λ̣ει̣ν̣[ -ca.?- ]
ε̣[ ̣ ̣ ̣] ἀμπελουργ[ -ca.?- ]
ἡμῶν ὑπὲρ το[ῦ]
ἐμοῦ μέρους τα̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ]
διὰ τοῦτο ἐξέδω[κά]
10σοι ταύτην τὴν χειραν̣(*)
διὰ τὸ ὑπεδεξάμην
ἅμα των(*) ἀδελφῷ
ἐξ ἴ(*)σου· (hand 2) Αὐρηλία Νεω-
τερὶς ἡ προ[κε]ι̣μένη
15ἐξέδωκα τὴν χεῖρα·
Αὐρήλιος Ἰωάννης ῥητορος(*)
βουλευτὴς Ἑρμοῦ πόλεως
ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς γράμ-
ματα μὴ εἰδυίης.
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© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
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HGV 35075 Translation (English) [xml]
1 ‘Neoteris to my lord brother Phoebammon greeting. Since you have made …… in respect of my share … I have therefore executed this deed in your favour as I have received an equal share with my brother. I, Aurelia Neoteris the above-mentioned, have executed the deed. I, Aurelius John, advocate, councillor of Hermopolis, have written on her behalf as she is illiterate.’