DDbDP transcription: upz.1.142 [xml]
64 BC Memphis
[Reprinted from: sb.1.5635] PForshall42,p68;SB1,5635
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HGV 10738 Translation (English) [xml]
1 Copy. To Boukolos, ex-agoranomus, ex-priest of Alexander founder of the city and of the classes, priest, chief-judge, and curator of the chrematistae and the other courts, through his son, Sarapion, also ex-priest of Alexander founder of the city and of the classes, temporarily performing the duties of chief-judge, from Herakleia also called Isidora, daughter of Mysthes, who is absent and on whose behalf her brother, Ptolemaios, son of Mysthes, is acting by virtue of an agreement done through the registrar’s office at Ptolemais Euergetis in the Arsinoite nome, in the month of Epeiph of the last year, and from Ptolemaios himself and Lysimachos, son of Didymos, son of Lysimachos, whose mother is Apia, and from Herakleides, son of Sarapion, son of Herakleides, all of them from the metropolis of the Arsinoite nome. 12 Whereas Herakleides has been married without written contract with Apia also called Herakleia, daughter of Herakleia also called Isidora, and the latter’s deceased husband, Kronion, brother of Lysimachos, and as during the marriage she became pregnant through him and was delivered, the child - - -; (whereas), moreover, Apia also called Herakleia having died, Herakleia also called Isidora and her said brother, Ptolemaios, and Lysimachos and (on the other side) Herakleides have attended before Eudemos, strategos of the Herakleides district in the Arsinoite nome, the party of Herakleia also called Isidora argued that the child borne by Apia also called Herakleia had died and that Herakleides had adopted another one; 21 Herakleides himself, however, argued that the child which he had taken with him was really the child born by Apia also called Herakleia, as appears according to their own information from the record drawn up in the presence of the strategos in the month of Epeiph of the 4th year of Hadrian the lord, which proves also that the case has been left to the higher court. 24 Since it has happened, as both parties concede, that the infant itself, either of Apia also called Herakleia or a strange one, has died, they have now settled the whole controversy and agree with each other, viz. Herakleia also called Isidora and Ptolemaios and Lysimachos, that they will not proceed against Herakleides neither on account of the charge taken down in the minutes of the strategos nor of any other matter with or without written
31 document from past times until today; and the other party, Herakleides, that he will proceed neither against Herakleia also called Isidora and Ptolemaios and Lysimachos nor against any of the possessions left by Apia also called Herakleia, neither on the strength of the minutes nor of any other - - -; 43 Herakleia also called Isidora and Ptolemaios and Lysimachos suffering no loss in any other debt contracted with or without a written document. We request. 47 (Date). (Translation: B.A. van Groningen, P.Fam. Tebt. 20)