DDbDP transcription: stud.pal.3(2).2.135 [xml]
V-VI spc Arsinoite
[Reprinted from: stud.pal.3.135] Stud.Pal. 3 135
† καὶ νῦν ἔχω ἐγὼ Ποῦσις υἱὸς Φοιβάμμ(ωνος)
τοῦ καὶ Πα̣λευ ἀπὸ ἐποικ(ίου) Τὶν τοῦ Θεο-
δ̣[οσ]ι̣ουπολί̣τ̣ο̣υ̣ ν̣ο̣μοῦ σοὶ Πλου̣σ̣ί̣ᾳ̣
[θυγα]τ̣ρ̣ὶ̣ [ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣[ ̣ ̣] ̣ πρ( ) [- ca.8 -]
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
5[καὶ πεπληρῶσθαι τὴν τιμὴν οἴνου]
μούστου εὐαρέστου κοῦρι δέκα ἑπτ̣ά̣,
οἴν(ου) κοῦρ(ι) ιζ, ἐπὶ μη(νὸς) Μεσορή, σοῦ τὰ κοῦ-
φ̣α̣ παρεχ(ούσης), ῥύσεως ἑνδεκάτης ἰν(δικτίωνος). ἐγράφ(η)
μηνὶ Τῦβι κδ δεκάτης ἰν(δικτίωνος). δ(ι’) ἐμοῦ
10Κοσμᾶ συμβολαιογράφου ((tachygraphic-marks))
- 2018-12-04T06:47:36-05:00 [berkes.lajos]: Finalized - ready
- 2018-11-25T05:48:55-05:00 [james.cowey]: Vote - AcceptText - See Gonis' comments.
- 2018-11-24T17:35:37-05:00 [ngonis]: Vote - AcceptText - Amendments needed: lin7 Μεσορὴ => Μεσορή || lin8 φα παρέχ(ούσης)
=> φ̣α̣ παρεχ(ούσης) & ἐνδεκάτης => ἑνδεκάτης || lin9 reduce space before (ἰν(δικτίωνος))
& δ(ι) => δ(ι’) .
- 2018-11-16T09:15:28-05:00 [NiklasBettermann]: Submit - Eingabe nach neuer Edition SPP III 2, 135; in Z. 9 fehlt noch Apostroph bei
- 2016-10-26T08:21:51-04:00 [james.cowey]: Finalized - Ready. This text will, of course, be replaced by the new version of it,
when the second edition of Stud.Pal. III is added.
- 2016-10-26T06:55:07-04:00 [james.cowey]: Vote - AcceptText - The assumption of the form ὀσπρ(ιγίτῃ) is made in the commentary
to SPP III (2nd ed.). So I think that <:(ὀσπρ(ιγίτῃ))=Stud.Pal.3(2).2, p. 26|ed|(ὀσπρ(ιτίτῃ)):>
would be better.
- 2016-10-14T09:26:56-04:00 [joshuad.sosin]: Vote - AcceptText - Accept. This is the ed's mistake and not a DDbDP typo. Finalizer
add syntax to indicate and attribute correction <:(ὀσπρ(ιγίτῃ))=PN P. Arzt-Grabner|ed|(ὀσπρ(ιτίτῃ)):>
- 2016-09-22T17:53:12-04:00 [PeterArzt-Grabner]: Submit - misspelling in l. 4 corrected; formerly ὀσπρ(ιτίτη)
- 2016-09-22T17:52:37-04:00 [PeterArzt-Grabner]: Commit - misspelling in l. 4 corrected; formerly ὀσπρ(ιτίτη)
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
- 2011-11-29 [gabrielbodard]: converted app type=BL|SoSOL to editorial
- 2011-10-31 [gabrielbodard]: changed type=inWord to break=no
- 2010-05-05 [gabrielbodard]: changed schema; added xml:space=preserve; indented; moved title/@n to idno
- 2009-11-12 [gabrielbodard]: Added language la-Grek
- 2009-06-27 [gabrielbodard]: Converted from TEI P4 (EpiDoc DTD v. 6) to P5 (EpiDoc RNG schema)
- 2008-12-23 [papyri.info]: Automated split from transcoder files
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
DDbDP transcription: stud.pal.3.135 [xml]
V-VI spc Arsinoite
[Reprinted in: stud.pal.3(2).2.135] Stud.Pal. 3(2).2 135
- 2018-12-04T06:47:36-05:00 [berkes.lajos]: Finalized - ready
- 2018-12-04T06:47:17-05:00 [berkes.lajos]: Add dummy header for original identifier 'papyri.info/ddbdp/stud.pal;3;135' pointing
to new identifier 'papyri.info/ddbdp/stud.pal;3(2).2;135'
- 2018-11-25T05:48:55-05:00 [james.cowey]: Vote - AcceptText - See Gonis' comments.
- 2018-11-24T17:35:37-05:00 [ngonis]: Vote - AcceptText - Amendments needed: lin7 Μεσορὴ => Μεσορή || lin8 φα παρέχ(ούσης)
=> φ̣α̣ παρεχ(ούσης) & ἐνδεκάτης => ἑνδεκάτης || lin9 reduce space before (ἰν(δικτίωνος))
& δ(ι) => δ(ι’) .
- 2018-11-16T09:15:28-05:00 [NiklasBettermann]: Submit - Eingabe nach neuer Edition SPP III 2, 135; in Z. 9 fehlt noch Apostroph bei
- 2016-10-26T08:21:51-04:00 [james.cowey]: Finalized - Ready. This text will, of course, be replaced by the new version of it,
when the second edition of Stud.Pal. III is added.
- 2016-10-26T06:55:07-04:00 [james.cowey]: Vote - AcceptText - The assumption of the form ὀσπρ(ιγίτῃ) is made in the commentary
to SPP III (2nd ed.). So I think that <:(ὀσπρ(ιγίτῃ))=Stud.Pal.3(2).2, p. 26|ed|(ὀσπρ(ιτίτῃ)):>
would be better.
- 2016-10-14T09:26:56-04:00 [joshuad.sosin]: Vote - AcceptText - Accept. This is the ed's mistake and not a DDbDP typo. Finalizer
add syntax to indicate and attribute correction <:(ὀσπρ(ιγίτῃ))=PN P. Arzt-Grabner|ed|(ὀσπρ(ιτίτῃ)):>
- 2016-09-22T17:53:12-04:00 [PeterArzt-Grabner]: Submit - misspelling in l. 4 corrected; formerly ὀσπρ(ιτίτη)
- 2016-09-22T17:52:37-04:00 [PeterArzt-Grabner]: Commit - misspelling in l. 4 corrected; formerly ὀσπρ(ιτίτη)
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: rationalized languages in langUsage
- 2011-12-14 [gabrielbodard]: changed editor names to URIs
- 2011-11-29 [gabrielbodard]: converted app type=BL|SoSOL to editorial
- 2011-10-31 [gabrielbodard]: changed type=inWord to break=no
- 2010-05-05 [gabrielbodard]: changed schema; added xml:space=preserve; indented; moved title/@n to idno
- 2009-11-12 [gabrielbodard]: Added language la-Grek
- 2009-06-27 [gabrielbodard]: Converted from TEI P4 (EpiDoc DTD v. 6) to P5 (EpiDoc RNG schema)
- 2008-12-23 [papyri.info]: Automated split from transcoder files
© Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.