DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.1.9 [xml]
119 BC Tebtynis
ματέως Κερκεοσίρ[ε]ως.
κατασταθεὶς πρὸς [τ]ῆι προ-
υπαρχούση[ι]μοι κωμογραμ-
5ματειας(*) δωσων(*) ἐν τῆι
κώμηι πυροῦ μὲν ⟦(ἀρτάβας)⟧
ἀρ[τά]βας ν
[καὶ ὀσ]πρίων ἀρτάβας ν,
ὧν φακοῦ (ἀρτάβαι) κ,
10ἐρεγμοῦ ι,
πίσου ι,
πασπέρμης ϛ,
σινάπεως γ,
εὕστρας α,
15(γίνονται) ν, (γίνονται) (ἀρτάβαι) ρ.
(ἔτους) να Παχὼν ϛ.
καὶ Δωρίων (πυροῦ) (ἀρτάβας) ν,
ὀσπρίων ι, ἐρε(γμοῦ) γ, πίσου <γ>, πα(σπέρμης) γ,
σινά(πεως) α, (γίνονται) ι, (γίνονται) ξ.
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APIS Translation (English)
From Menches, village scribe of Kerkeosiris. On being appointed to the post of village scribe previously held by me I will pay at the village 50 artabas of wheat and 50 artabas of pulse, namely 20 artabas of lentils, 10 of bruised beans, 10 of peas, 6 of mixed seeds, 3 of mustard, 1 of parched pulse, total 50; total 100 artabas. The 51st year, Pachon 6. And Dorion will pay 50 artabas of wheat and 10 of pulse, namely 3 of bruised beans, 3 of peas, 3 of mixed seeds, 1 of mustard, total 10; total 60.