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p.tebt.1.23 = HGV P.Tebt. 1 23 = Trismegistos 3659 = berkeley.apis.396

DDbDP transcription: p.tebt.1.23 [xml]

119/114 BC Tebtynis

Μαρρῆς Μεγχῆι(*) χαίρειν. Μέλανος τοῦ
οἰκείου ἡμῶν μεταδεδωκότος ἡμῖν περὶ ὧν
ἀπέφαινεν ἠδικῆσθαι ὑπὸ σοῦ καὶ Δημητρίωι
τῶι τοῦ Νιβοίτου ἠναγκάσθαι διαβαλεῖν, καθʼ ὑ-
5περβολὴν βεβαρυμμένοι ἐπὶ τῷ {σε} μὴ διʼ ἡμᾶς
ἐπισημασίας αὐτὸν τετευχέναι προσδεδε-
ῆσθαι δὲ(*) καὶ Δημητρίου οὐκ ὀρθῶς κρίνομεν
πέπρακταί σοι μὴ ἐκ τῆς ἡμῶν προεδρίας
πεφροντικέναι ἀπροσδέητον ἑτέρων γενέσθαι.
10διὸ καὶ ἔτι καὶ νῦν καλῶς ποιήσεις φιλοτιμό-
τερον προθυμηθεὶς ἵνα τὰ πρὸς αὐτὸν [  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣  ̣]
διορθώσηι μετακαλέσας ἐκ τῶν προηγνοημένων.
εἰ δέ τινα ἕξει[ς] πρὸς αὐτὸν λόγον σὺν αὐτῶι
σύντυχε ἡμῖν.
κω(μο)γρ(αμμάτει) Μεγχῆι.


^ r.1. corr. ex μεγχ⟦η⟧
^ r.7. corr. ex δε

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APIS Translation (English)

Marres to Menches, greeting. My kinsman Melas has appealed to me concerning an alleged injury from you obliging him to complain to Demetrios son of Niboitas. I am excessively vexed that he should have gained no special consideration from you on my account and should therefore have asked assistance from Demetrios; and I consider that you have acted badly in not having been careful that he should be independent of others owing to my superior rank. I shall therefore be glad if you will even now endeavor more earnestly to correct your behavior towards him, abandoning your previous state of ignorance. If you have any grievance against him apply together with him to me. Good-bye. (Addressed on the verso) To Menches, village scribe.